When he thinks you cheated

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When he thinks you cheated//aw baby i would never cheat on you ;(

Dean- He really gets mad, he thought he gets the perfect girl, you by the way if you have forgotten, and now he hears that you cheated. Honestly he doesn't want to hear it. He firstly doesn't want to ask about it so he drinks more frequently, making you notice his behaviour. "Hey, babe, what's up with you and your drinks? I know you drink but not this many..." You asked concerned, sitting in front of him, a hand on his hand and a smile placed on your beautiful face. Dean sighs, "Have you been cheating on me?" You furrowed your eyebrows, "What? No! Dean, I love you and would never! Who said that?" Dean relaxed, so he did find the perfect girl. Dean smiles and shakes his head, "It doesn't matter now, babe." With that Dean engulfed you into a hug.

Sam- When he first hears it he goes straight to you, without thinking. Of course he has many what if's, him thinking about if the rumours are true. So he goes straight to you, dreading the answer. You smiled at Sam when he came to your view and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "Hey, honey, what's the matter? You looked conflicted and not in as sexual conflicted." Sam looked at you, "Did you cheat on me? Please, (y/n) say you haven't. I don't want to believe th-" You place another gentle kiss on his lips, "Sam Winchester, I love you and I promise you that I have not cheated on you." You pull him into another kiss, "I promise, okay? Now relax!" Maybe that kiss got a little heated up but at least you guys were home alone because you did it in the kitchen.

Cas- Castiel was, at first, confused. He didn't understand the concept of cheating was so he went to you as quick as you could. You look at Cas confused why he was confused. He looked like he needed an answer quickly, "Hey, Cas, you okay?" Castiel sat down on your bed next to you and leans his head against your shoulder, you smile as you play with his hair. "What is cheating?" You were shocked, "Why type of cheating?" You questions, "Not cheating on a test, I know that but the other thing." You stopped playing with his hair as he looked up at you, "Well, that means not being faithful to your partner and dating, flirting or having sex with another person." Cas' blue eyes looked more bluer, "Well I heard that you have been cheating on me." You sighs and kiss him gently on the forehead, "I assure you, Cas honey, I would never cheat on you, I promise, it's because I love you."

Gabriel- When the news reached his ears, he laughs it off. He finds it funny, hilarious even. Why? Because he knows you would never cheat on him, because he knows that all those other men are not good enough for you. He is confident, Gabriel is, and it is vital that he knows you wouldn't cheat. "You mean my (y/n), sex goddess, sexy, loving girlfriend of mine is cheating on me?" He questions the angels, who was red and nods, while Gabriel continues to laugh, "Now, that is a great joke while it lasted. I cannot wait till (y/n) hears about this! She'll laugh as well!" Gabriel smiles and flashes away to find you and tell you what he heard!

Balthazar- He is actually quiet emotional, just like Dean, he doesn't want to believe it and tends to lock himself up. So when you found out Balthazar cooping himself up in the room you unlock the door, master pick locker, and enter the room. "Hey, sweets." You smile at him, gently before shutting the door and sitting next to him. "Why are you upset? You can tell me anything." You said gently while you placed your head on his shoulder. "Have you cheated on me? I mean, seriously, I know I am not the best angels out of all the angels but do you really love me?" You giggled making Balthazar look at you, "Bal, baby, I would never and I saw never, will cheat on you. I love you and only you. You are the best angel in my eyes, so relax baby."

Lucifer- He gets angry, honestly, what did you expect? Do you expect the lesser for the devil. He is so angry with the news that you have been hearing unusual, out of the blue murders. Which only made you think about Lucifer. So, three days later, because honestly during those days he was scared to ask you, he came to you and asked. He was very calm about the whole situation however inside he was just uneasy. "Did you or did not cheat on me?" You tilted your head and broke into a smile, "Lu, I love you and I know better not to cheat on the devil. Stop worrying okay? I never will or ever cheat on you. Now, was those murders by you?"

Michael- He is very calm and collective on the outside but in the inside he is very, well, angry in the inside, he is basically screaming as loud as he could because god damn he did not want to know if you had cheated with you. But god forbids, he did ask you but you simply laugh and shook your head. "Michael, baby, I would never." You watch him relax immensely, you smiled cheekily at your boyfriend. "God, Michael. You really don't trust me." Michael went red and shook his head, "No! I do trust you I just was making sure you would never cheat on me. I love you and trust you." You smiled and nodded, "And I love you too, Michael."

Crowley- You sat on his lap as he had a burning question on his mind. His arms wrap tightly around your waist with your head on his shoulder.  When Crowley heard the rumour from his demons, he demanded to see you and left alone with you for a few hours, to talk it out. But only you and him sat in silence. You were admiring the throne he was sitting on when he blurted out questions. "Have you cheated on me? Who is this man? Why would you do that to me? I love you, don't you love me?" You kissed him to shut up, "Crowley, firstly, no I have not cheated on you, I do not know of this man because I haven't cheated on you. I wouldn't ever do it to you because I love you too much to even think about cheating so yes I do love you." Crowley relaxed, "It was just be-" You cut him off with a heated kiss, seriously, you were happy no demons disturbed you while you had fun on the throne with the King of Hell.



lmao probably going to hell, see you guys there.
Idk why Crowley is longer than others, ahaha innuendo, maybe because I am a SUCKER for him.
God, these puns. I am such a bad person

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