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After 184 preferences later you only get this chapter sorry!
Also Panic! At the Disco's album gives me life

Mornings with Dean are quite relaxing other than at least one of you on the floor. It would always you that got up first and of course you would hit Dean with a pillow to wake up, if that doesn't work you just have to say pie and he's out of the room in a second.

"Dean wake up." You said as you smack another pillow on his head, "Five more minutes, robin." You sighed and shrugged, "Fine, more pie for me." Dean was awake and pushing you outta the way, "MY PIE, ROBIN, NO ON TOUCH MY PIE."


With Sam, he would be awake before you. He would be shaking you awake because he made breakfast and he doesn't want Dean to finish the food before you could get anything. But of course you would always tackled down Dean whenever he takes the last of (favourite breakfast food).

"Hey, princess, rise and shine." You groan and turn to face the other side, "Come on, princess, Dean's gonna finish the food." You shot up and raced out of the room then tackling Dean down, "DAMN IT SAM."


It's Cas who wakes you up because he hardly sleeps, it's cute though. He tries to pc, your outfit for the day and then tries to make breakfast. Although it would be either slightly underdone or overcooked but you're still thankful for him.

"Er, I don't know whether you liked this outfit I pick, cookie." You were half awake but smiled nonetheless, "That's a nice dress, cas honey, but that's only for parties so can you pick something else?" He flushed red but nodded, "Yes, yes of course."


This is Gabe, the man child. When you wake up he would be literally on top of you, you have to poke his face until he wakes and tell him to move his fat arse off you. You go take a shower first and always offer to Gabe, which means him falling out of bed to join you.

"Hey, Gabe. Get your fat ass off me." Gabriel looked at you, "Rude." He rolls off you as you get up, "I'm taking a shower," you started to strip in the bathroom after turning it on, "Wanna join?" Gabriel fell out of bed with a thud, "On my way, sweet thing!"


He tries and makes the perfect breakfast, but by the morning you would be awake at the smell of burning. You would shoot out of bed and see Balthazar putting out the fire and turns to look at you with a sad smile while you laugh and kiss his cheek.

"Bal." You started looking at the angel as Bal turns around and drops the pan into the sink, "I'm sorry love, I tried but..." You laugh and kissed his cheek, "It's okay, Bal, I'll teach you how to cook breakfast, what you say?"


It would be you that would be making breakfast for the sleeping baby aka Lucifer. You would make his favourite, pancakes with syrup and then on the side bacon. You would make some coffee as well and wait till Lucifer wakes up to join you.

"Morning kitten." You smiled as you watched Lucifer rub his eyes and slump down the chair and started to eat, "This is amazing, you know." He said looking at you, who was on the kitchen island, you smiled and nodded, "I know."


He wouldn't be there, he would leave a note. He wouldn't be next to you or in the kitchen making breakfast because he had business in heaven, but you understood. But you would always find different little notes around the house and it was cute.

Dear honey, sorry I wasn't there for you when you wake up! But I bet you're already looking beautiful, because you're always beautiful! I wish I was there with you than in Heaven, but business calls. So I love you forever, Michael xxx


There would be a rare time when you wake up in the morning. Your sleeping pattern always changes because Crowley always love taking you out in different restaurants around the world and you would come back in a ungodly time, but at least you were with Crowley.

"But, Crow, it's four am." Crowley laughs and kissed you on the forehead, "I know love, one dinner in Budapest and I'll let you sleep all day." You smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Crow, now shall we go?" "Of course!"


This is a really shitty chapter, I am sorry but hey look at the gif!
I added gifs to the previous chapters so if you want you can check them out as well!
Shameless promo, it's about time I did something marvel so I posted a marvel book! Go check it out if you want!

If you could chose an avenger man/woman to date, who would it be?
Mine would be Bruce (but Tony comes in close) because he's a shy awkward guy but he's such a cutie pootie!

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