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Dean- You, Him and Sammy all celebrate together. Usually you all sleep in then exchange gifts, which is around 1-ish, have the Christmas dinner, then you play mini games. Just remember next time no pie eating contest against Dean.

Sam-You celebrate it with him and Dean. After you exchange gifts you all sit on the couch with all the junk food around the room, Sam ate some he says it's a once in a year thing, and watch movies the whole day.

Castiel~ Though he know the meaning of Christmas, he brings you to church VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING. Then proceeds to read a few parts of the bible before you shove his present to him and get ready the meal.

Gabe~It is his excuse to get loads of sweets. Candy canes have it's own pile. Your present? Sweets and Chocolate. But as he is a archangel. He brought you to church as well.

Bal~Just after church, he got you the most finest wines in the world. You suddenly now have a wine cellar. Blame Balthazar. You only drink when needed to. He drinking all the time.

Lucifer- He didn't bring you to church. After a sleep in, exchanging gifts. You both cuddled on the sofa and a blankets draped over both of you guys, watched christmas movies, after a load of pleading, and drink hot chocolate.

Michael- He being very religious and all. He brought you to church the proceeds to tell you stories of Jesus Christ himself in Michael's point of view. Then after three agonising hours you exchanged gifts.

Crowley- He brought you to New York since it was snowing there and you just love snow, then exchanged gifts. Then decided you need a new wardrobe and took you shopping in New York. Thank Not God for Crowley.

In all honestly should I even have a reason? I guess everyone is so busy getting christmas presents. I had tests as well. Crap load of homework which I almost forgot to do, ANYWAY IT IS 6 MORE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS. OMGOMGOMGOMG. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I HAVE GOT BUT I AM REALLY EXCITED.

So, as I am a curious (curiosity killed the metaphorical cat) I am wondering what you got for Christmas. You if you remember to comment here on Christmas Day, feel free to tell me what you got. YOU DONT HAVE TO. YOU CAN IF YOU WANT. I AM NOT PRESSURING YOU.

Oh yeah, I see many people on the other preference notice all those hidden people. In Crowley's, the hidden person was Newt from Maze Runner. So yeah...


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