He sees the scars of your other hunts

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He sees the scars of your other hunts

Dean- You wore your shorts around the bunker forgetting the scars of your worst hunt. Ass of a werewolf. The werewolf scratch most of your left leg, that's why you have this limp due to the wound. Dean never seen it though. You walked passed Dean. He looked at your face then his eyes travelled down to your legs. "(Y/n)?" He asked a bit worried and offended. "Yes?" You turn to look at Dean. "Care to explain?" He motion to your leg. You looked down and cursed. "Please tell me." As he walked closer towards you. "What happened." You sighed. "Before I met you, I had this hunt that involved with a werewolf. I killed it, it just left this wound. It's why I kind of limp. I doesn't hurt anymore." Dean crease you face. "(Y/n) you have known me for what? 7 years and we've been dating for 3 years. You never told me?" You sighed. "It's just that. I don't want to feel useless, Dean!" He scoffed. "You useless? Never."

Sam- "Agh." You fell backwards but was caught by Sam. "You all right?" You shut your eyes tightly as you clutched your side tightly. "Yeah just a wound that hurts again." Sam carried you onto the bed. "Let me see." He said with pleading eyes knowing you will try and protest. You slowly lifted your shirt just below your bra. His eyes travelled to this burnt scar on your right side. His gently run his fingertips over the burn. "How did this happened?" He asked as he study the burn. "I was one of the unlucky hunters that met a dragon. Burnt by one almost killed by it. Luckily God was on my side and gave me the power to kill it. Somehow, still trying to figure that out." He looked into your eyes. "And you decided to tell me now?" You looked down. "Sorry, didn't bothered me until now." He smiled. "Good, don't let this bother you okay? You will always be beautiful."

Cas- Your make up scrubbed off in the morning. You hated your face. You were once beautiful. But a stupid Kitsune decided lets play with our meal. You sighed and looked for your make up. You look up to look in the mirror and saw Cas standing behind you. "(Y/n)." You looked down ashamed. "I know, i'm ugly." He made you face him and he rubbed his thumb over the scar across your eye. "You are not, cookie. You are beautiful. So why hide that?" You looked deep into his blue eyes. "I was attacked by a Kitsune before I met you Cas, I had to live with people giving me looks. I had enough. I just want to feel pretty again, Cas!" He smiled at you. "Good thing that I always think you are always pretty with or without whatever this is." As he took the make up away and kissed you nose.

Gabriel- He looked at your wrist carefully, there were faded bite marks. You followed the direction of his eyes and landed on your wrist. You pull your sweatshirt down to cover those scars. You hated those, you had nightmares. He gently held your wrist and looked at you with puppy eyes. "Please tell me." You sighed in defeat knowing Gabriel can get persuasive. "You know what a changelings is?" He nodded. "I was a unlucky child who was one of their victims. I tried to fight but little old 12 year old me couldn't handle it. I got bite marks as they tried to eat off me. But my dad found me and used fire against them. He got me out and told me about supernatural stuff. Since then I've became a hunter." He gave you a look. "Such a nice girlfriend for just tell me these now. Because a bitch is going to get fried!"

Balthazar- You had this cut on you hand that seems not to heal. Balthazar didn't care at first, then he became curious, then he became worried. Why does it heal? Around this cut it had a big bruise, it never seemed to fade at all. "Love, I love you and I worry over you but why is that not healing?" As he pointed down to your hand. You sighed. "A rakshasa attacked me once on a hunt. I tried to block a punch but I forgot they have incredible strength and the punch was so hard it cut my skin and never healed up." He looked at your hand and kissed the scar. It slowly healed but stopped before it faded. "It's fine Balthazar. Honestly. It doesn't hurt. I'll tell you when it does." You laughed at your caring boyfriend.

Lucifer- You wore your tank top and Lucifer just noticed, after dating you for a few years, that you have small holes scars in your shoulder blade. He decided to mention to you. At first you looked like you just relieved a past hunt, then you became looking green and lastly it looked like you were going to faint. "Well, you see in a hunt way back ago. I went up against a creature call..what was it?? Oh! A wraith. It had this spike coming from it's wrist. I tried to attack it with sliver and tried to stab it in the heart with it but when ever it got the chance it stabbed me with the spike. I finally got it though. Hated that hunt and hope to your father I never meet one again." He chuckled. "They would have to go against me first, Babe."

Michael- He noticed a bite mark on your neck, you always seem to rub it anywhere and anytime. He wanted to know what it was. "What is that?" He said. You sighed and lean your head onto his shoulder. "Well, my brother and I were hunting a monster called a Vetala. They are like snakes. I was bitten by one. It might look like vampire attack but it wasn't. Luckily my brother saved me. Killed them with silver and cured me before the venom starts and I lose blood. I am very thankful for my brother. Never want to see a vetala ever again." Michael stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head. "I'll protect you, you don't have to worry." You smiled and hugged him while he had his arm draped around your shoulders.

Crowley- You hated vampires. You heard screams from your basement. You decided who Crowley was torturing this time. You bounced down the stairs and saw a vampire. The same vampire that decided to scar you. "Ah, my queen. I'm a little busy." Crowley said, as he flashed you a smile. You rolled your eyes and sneered at the vampire. "Nice to see you again (y/n) bet that little bite mark scarred. Poor thing, why did you have to be cured." The vampire laughed. Crowley saw you growled at the vampire, he became angry, no one touches you and get away with it. He looked at your neck and saw multiple bite marks. You saw him become very angry. You gently put your hand on his shoulder. "Make him suffer, my king." As you watch Crowley attack the vampire. Oh he loves you so much.

A/N- I was suppose to finish this chapter early morn. But I was too tried and fell asleep. But I finally finished it! Anyway...In 9 chapters it will be 100 chapters so I want a big special chapter so anyone want to give suggestion? By the way all through this chapter I kept going awww. Especially Crowley's.

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