Ice skating

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Ice skating

Dean- "Dean!" You clutched onto your boyfriend's arm as you nearly fell flat on your bum for the fifth time already. He laughed in response, just as loudly and adorable as the other times. "I'm not very good at this," you pout. He pulls you up and smirks lightly. He turned so he was skating backwards but facing you, not letting go of your hands once. "Don't worry. I've got you." He leaned in to kiss your lips, leading you around the rink keeping your hands in his the entire time.

Sam- "I can't!" You laughed as you stepped foot onto the ice, gliding smoothly before turning to face your boyfriend. It was his first ever time ice skating, and he was really scared. "Come on! I've got you!" He shook his head, his grip tightening around the rail. "Sam!" He sighed and took your hand, stumbling onto the ice, almost falling I may add, but he finally caught his balance. He got the hang of it in no time, quickly being able to catch up to your speed.

Cas- "But what if we fall through?! This water has got to be absolutely freezing!" He exclaimed or panicked, you didn't really knew. You had brought Castiel to your hometown, and to the same frozen lake you and your friends had gone to many years prior. "It won't budge! I've done it many many times!" He hesitantly stepped onto the ice with you, standing in the same spot before feeling confident enough to glide around with you, never letting go of your hand.

Gabriel- "Race ya!" You shook your head and sped up, trying your very hardest to catch up with your boyfriend. It was just gone midnight, and you and Gabriel decided to go for a quick skate around the rink in his back garden, he had made just for you. A quick skate soon turned into the two of you chasing and racing eachother, and tumbling over onto the ice sharing a few frozen kisses. After hours on the ice, the two of you ran inside for steaming cups of cocoa, and a long and warm night's sleep. Well you sleeping, him watching over you. (not in a creepy way)

Balthazar- "It's no fun when you already know how to skate." Bal pouted as you let go of his hand, skating backwards and a few inches ahead. "Why not?" He pulled you closer to him by your hands, making it obvious he wouldn't be letting go. "Because I have no excuse to hold your hand." You kissed his cheek before skating back to his side, holding his hand and giving it a squeeze. "I suddenly forgotten all there is to me?" A smile spread across his face as he lead you around the rink countless amounts of times.

Lucifer- "There is no way I am going on that." Lucifer said pointing at the ice rink. You were slowly skating backwards, your hands on you waist. "And why not?" He looked away trying to find an excuse. "Afraid you will get humiliated when you fall, devil?" He blushed red when you laughed at him. You skated to be closer to him. "Really, Satan? Are you that scared?" You taunt. He huffed and crossed his arms. "No I am not!" You smirked. "Then get on." He closed his eyes and slowly got on, yes he has skates on his feet. He opened his eyes and smiled. "I'm skating!"

Michael- "Yup, we're going to fall." Michael had your hand and was guiding you. But he wasn't holding onto you tightly and you had a fear that you were going to fall seeing that it was your first time. "No you're not, I've got you." You gave him a 'sure' look. Not even 5 minutes-"ack!" You closed your eyes but you didn't feel the cold ice, you felt something warm. You slowly open your eyes. You see the beautiful face

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