4 - headache

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Phil woke up with a bad headache, and realized he had been hugging something– or someone. Shit, Phil thought. Had he slept with someone while he was drunk? He moved his head from the pillow he shoved his face in and saw a sleeping Dan. Phil was confused, why was Dan sleeping next to him? He can't say he didn't like it though. Dan's warmth was comforting, and he looked perfect and at peace.


Phil hadn't moved in fear of waking Dan, but he was hungry. Almost as if on queue, Dan grunted and opened his eyes.

"Dan." Phil smiled.

"Phil." Dan had a look of worry in his eyes as he said Phil's name. Phil didn't understand, but then he did.

"Dan, I'm so sorry. I made a complete fool–" Phil was cut off.

"Hey. It's okay Phil. No it isn't. I'm glad you called me, though, even if you were drunk off your ass." Dan finally smiled, which made Phil smile.

"Are you sure?" Phil still felt sorry.

"Yes Phil," Dan sat up. "Let's go get something to eat."

Phil was really hungry, and immediately said yes.

They had chosen the café near Phil's flat, since it was only a few blocks away. They both ordered croissants and coffee. Dan and Phil just ate and stared at eachother, in comfortable silence. Dan's even perfect shoving croissants into his mouth, Phil thought, wondering the other things he could fit in his mouth, and then shaking his head as he felt bad and extremely dirty at that moment.

Doesn't mean Phil didn't like the thoughts, though.

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