15. Wrong Feels So Right.

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Gue lagi makan daging bbq sambil duduk disebelah harry. as usual, semua orang lagi ngomongin subjek satu ke subjek lainnya. gue pengen ngomong ke harry tentang niall, but the problem is niall duduk di depan gue sama harry. daging bbq gue belum abis juga, padahal orang lain udah hampir selesai makan. gue minum beberapa teguk lemonade supaya tenggorokan dan otak gue bisa jadi lebih seger. harry kayanya tau ada yang gak beres di pikiran gue. dia mendekatkan mukanya ke gue dan berbisik tepat ke telinga gue.

"what happen?"

"nothing." i said quietly and shake my head.

"i know there's something wrong, babe. just tell me." he's getting clser to my ear, hiding his face to my skin.

"harry.." i said and keep his hand away from my waist. we talk softly so no one could hear us. and the biggest problem is harry wraping his hand around me, hiding his face to my neck and niall was sit right in front of us. i feel that niall's staring at us and he holds the fork tighter, looks like he's ready for broke it.

"tell me, whats that?" he whisper and off his face from my neck, realising that i wont him to touch me.

"i can't tell you now.." i said to his ear, making sure niall didnt hear us. it was so hard.

"but tell me later ok?" harry whisper to my ear too and he started to breathe heavily to my skin.

"stop that." i said and try to go away from his hand but he wont let me go, he just chuckle instead.

"AYEEEEEEEE! WHAT DID YOU GUYS DOOO?!" teriak perrie dengan accent dan suaranya yang khas. gue sama harry langsung tersentak dan menyadari kalau semua mata sudah tertuju pada kita berdua.

"uhm.. sorry." kata gue ga tau apa yang harus gue bilang.

"ok now you two need to tell us what the hell is going on between you?!" kata louis degan muka serius. gue ngeliat ke harry dan dia tertawa,

"he's lost the game so he didnt get any clue from me." kata harry sambil senyum lebar ke gue.

"hey guys! look! look! i just open my twitter and looking for harry and jessie and look what i just found!!!!" kata liam semangat sambil menunjukan hpnya, seakan layar i-phone yang dia pegang cukup besar untuk diliat orang satu meja.

"let me look!" kata danielle sambil ngambil hp liam dan tesenyum lebar, membuat yang lain bingung. gue juga bingung sebenerya. apa yang liam temukan tentang gue dan harry di twitter.. eleanor ngambil hp liam lagi dan dia memberikan tatapan "awee" ke gue dan harry.

"i think someone just go to the zoo without inviting us.." kata eleanor teasing. WHAT?! my picts with harry at the zoo is leaked on twitter?!

"ahh! and look who got the pecks!" kata zayn yang udah ngeliat hp liam. THEY GOT THE PICTS WHEN I PECK HIM?!

"oh my god." kata gue sambil menyembunyikan muka gue ke harry, berharap rambut curlynya bisa menutupi muka gue. im all blushing. yes, soo blushing.

"shh guys she's blushing." kata harry sambil nerangkul gue dan tertawa kecil.

"what happen with you two? please tell us!" kata perrie semangat.

"are you dating?" tanya zayn sama semangatnya dengan perrie.

"umm.. are we dating?" tanya harry sambil nyengir ke gue yang masih menyembunyikan diri di leher harry, but however im smiling.

"oh guys please! be serious!!!!" kata louis yang kelewat semangat dan penasaran. gue berhenti bersembunyi tapi tetep menyenderkan kepala gue ke harry dan gue ngeliat ke semua orang di meja yang ngeliat ke gue penuh harap, termasuk niall but he didnt feel curious at all.

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