19. Just For A Little While.

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"i can't believe she has to go to 11 districs with Peeta!" teriak niall spontan waktu gue selesai baca halaman ke-3.

"i've told you! they're meant to be!" teriak gue semangat. niall mendengus pelan tapi langsung lanjut baca dan gue mendengarkannya dengan seksama.

we lay on my bed right now, we're reading Catching Fire.. my back was on top of his chest, but i'm not literally on top of him, my legs still lay beside his legs, but my back was pressing his chest softly. his chin was on top of my head dan dia meletakan kedua sikunya di setiap bahu gue sambil megang buku catching fire. baru aja niall baca 3 halaman yang isinya nyeritain katniss yang harus pergi bersama peeta ke setiap distrik, dia udah mengeluh betapa peeta harus menjauh dari katniss.

"oh my god. suzanne was success for making me frustrating!" kata niall setelah gue baca beberapa halaman selanjutnya.

gue lanjut baca dan akhirnya gue sampe di bagian yang paling menyenangkan, "HOLY SHIT! KATNISS AND PEETA HAVE TO MARRIED!!!" teriak gue.

"omg! no way!" tolak niall.

"omg! yeah way!" kata gue tetep bahagia.

"ugh just don't read this book anymore!" kata niall sambil melempar bukunya ke bagian kasur yang kosong.

"HEY!" kata gue sambil mencoba meraih buku yang sekarang terlentang bebas (?).

"what?" tanya niall polos saat gue melihatnya dengan tatapan tajam.

"we have to read it later." kata gue sambil memperlembut tatapan gue ke niall.

"yeah later." kata niall senyum mesem. now i literally on top of him and i'm facing him. well.. he's strong enough to hold my weight.

i always got lost in his eyes, everytime he smiles.. i lost again. he's too beautiful and out of perfection. i'm not gonna lie about that. i sigh and looked away from him cause everytime i lost in his eyes, suddenly a 'harry styles' popped out in my imagination..

"why?" tanya niall bingung.

"uhh nothing." kata gue yang ngeliat mata niall dan kembali lebur di matanya nan indah dan mempesona._. but i can't looked away, i just lost in him and i biting my lips. niall looked at me too and he's frowning but smiles. "ugh i hate it when i got lost in your blue eyes!" i said dramatically and niall flips us, so now he's on top of me, smirking.

"but i got lost in your eyes since the first time i stare at it."

alkdhaskfga that was so sweet ok. i blush and smile at him but he's getting closer and i know if i'm not moving he's gonna kiss me so i pushed him and then he lay beside me. i still can't get over from harry. i like niall but i love harry, and its gonna be a long way if i try to move on from hary to niall.

"i'm sorry i almost kiss you." kata niall ga enak hati.

"its ok, niall. i just won't to kiss any boy right now.." i said as i breathe to his chest.

"i understand.." kata niall tersenyum mengerti and he kisses the top of my head. 

"at least we had a kiss before." i shrugs.

he chuckle, "no its not a kiss."

i confused and frowning at him, "umm why?"

"because you didn't want to kiss me and you're pushed me away after  we kissed, then you're leaving me all alone on the couch." kata niall cepet.

now i feel bad. i mean, me and niall were kissing but then i pushed him away. idk but i feel bad about that.

niall could see that i feel bad about what i did after we kissed, so he slips his hands and rub my cheek softly, "its okay.. i'm gonna kiss you if you're ask me." he said chuckling. "we'll have our kiss if you only wanted it." he said after he see my confused look.

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