20. Take The Pain Away.

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gue yakin gue masih berada di lalaland, tapi berhubung gue udah setengah sadar, gue bisa ngedenger percakapan entah siapa walaupun terdengar samar-samar.

"where is she?"

"she's in the bedroom, i think she'll wake up in just a hour."

"oh cmon! we miss her already."

"okay, i'll waking her up and you guys making a dinner. oh don't forget about the movies as well!"

"don't worry!!"


"jessie, wake up?" suara niall mulai terdengar jelas dan gue nguap sambil membuka mata gue perlahan.

"erhm? niall?"  kata gue sambil ngucek-ngucek mata, siapa tau ada belek nyelip kan malu gituya.

"yea, its me." kata niall tersenyum.

"what time is it?" tanya gue.

"its 8 p.m." kata niall lembut.

"are you the one who take me to the bed?" tanya gue penasaran dan niall hanya mengangkat bahunya sambil mengangguk pelan. "niall, i'm so sorry. thank you so much for save me." kata gue langsung melontarkan seribu maaf. "i don't hate you, k? it was just come out from my anger i'm so sorry." gue benar-benar merasa bersalah dengan semua kata-kata yang siang gue lontarkan.

"jessie, its okay. i know you're angry. and i'm sorry too for screaming at you. i'm such a bad bestfriend." kata niall melihat ke bawah sambil sedikit tertawa pasrah.

"no, you're not, niall. you're the best best bestfriend ever!" kata gue dengan nada ceria yang membuat niall tersenyum tulus. "ohh.. are you talking with someone while i sleep?" tanya gue memastikan percakapan samar yang gue denger tadi.

"oh yeah, its perrie and danielle. they're coming here.. i actually invite them, soo everyone's here." kata niall senyum mesem.

"uhh.. everyone?" tanya gue berkode 'everyone' yang gue maksud sesungguhnya adalah harry.

"yeah, everyone. harry was count to." kata niall senyum dan gue merasakan senang, sedih, sekaligus tegang. "he looks like a mess.. you should go downstairs and say hi to them." kata niall bantu gue bangun dari kasur. waktu niall megang tangan kiri gue, gue mendesis pelan karena tangan niall baru aja mencet luka gue. "sorry jessie, i didn't mean it!" kata niall spontan dan ngeliat luka gue lekat-lekat.

"its okay." kata gue yang sebenernya berbohong (because i swear this scars is so painful).

"i forgot you cut yourself." kata niall menghela napas. "i'm sorry i was mad and screaming at you. i should've calm you down so you wouldn't hurt yourself." kata niall dengan mata yang masih terpaku pada goresan halus di tangan gue.

"hey.. don't feel bad about that.. its not your fault, okay?" kata gue sambil nunduk supaya niall bisa melihat senyum yang gue pancarkan. "i deserve to be hurt, though." bisik gue tapi kuping niall cukup tajam buat mendengar bisikan gue.

"ok, listen." kata niall yang seketika terlihat tegas. "you. are. beautiful." lanjut niall masih dengan ketegasan yang sama, "you are worth it, and you are NOT deserve to be hurt. no one in the world does." kata niall lagi.

gue menghela napas panjang, "but i'm not worth it for harry." kata gue pelan.

"i met harry just a day after i kiss you, which mean a day after you broke up with him, and i've known him for years so i know how his eyes look like." kata niall dan gue ga terlalu ngerti apa hubungannya "know him for years" dan "his eyes look like". "jessie, he was crying all night. i could see it. there's dark circle around his eyes and his eyes were red. you're woth it for him." kata niall.

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