Lunar Phases (II)

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First Quarter Moon:

The Guardhouse isn't too bad. Katniss had wanted to make sure her guards were comfortable and made sure their living quarters would be. Still, as he stays with them, they shoot him with looks of equal bewilderment and suspicion, as if they could tell he had done something to upset their little nightingale.

He's too much in a daze to really care or notice.

He's just glad that he's at least near her, staying on the same grounds of her home, instead of being completely blocked out as he had been before. It was one of the reasons why he hadn't been completely certain he'd wanted to give up his the case that she ever locked him out again. Even though she'd promised, he was still worried about it. That and the fact that if he had to meet for his work in any capacity, then he'd rather conduct business there than bring it to Katniss' home...

The first quarter moon was that day, he notes in his haze. The continuation of contemplation and reflection. Well, he had plenty of time and a lot of incentive to do that.

He looks outside to find that Katniss is staring blankly back at him from the side of her home, though he thought he might be imagining the longing in her eyes that he wished was an echo of his.

The space between them makes everything so much more lonelier...He wishes he can be where she is.

Waxing Gibbous Moon:

Another waxing phase. More truths to be bared, if any, and recent truths are the ones most likely to be told at this point with a normal couple. But they weren't a normal couple, were they?

Still, he's surprised to see the letter addressed to him. The peacekeeper quietly hands it over and he hesitantly takes it, not knowing if he really wanted to open it and read it.

Waxing phase –time to be honest and all. I miss you but I don't want to see you. It's lonely but I don't want you around. I feel guilty for Peeta's death and you sort of know that, but you don't really understand just how much. I feel guilty for his death, but now it's more especially because he loved me and I didn't love him back, and now I'm moving on and now I know I really do love you back.

Short and simple, and he feels joy bubbling up in his currently apathetic heart. He knows he shouldn't feel so happy about Peeta's death being a factor or that she feels guilty, but she loves him.

After that, he decides he'd much rather sleep outside her door, even though it's her porch, outside, and uncomfortable. He's hopeful and astonished when she leaves the door open for him by the third day he does that, and there's a pillow and blanket waiting for him on the couch.

He'd take the couch than being shut out of her home any time.

Still, he can't resist being just a little more closer and starts camping out right outside her (used to be his) bedroom door. They never cross paths and she never says anything to him, but he feels just a little bit better this way.

Full Moon:

Finnick comes over with Annie Cresta in tow, claiming a double date under the full moon would be fun. They remember him asking before if it would be alright if he ever brought her over, let her meet new people and get to do something with others for once (and maybe even do a double with Seneca and Katniss, like he was claiming now), but they still didn't expect him to come over out of the blue and do it so soon.

Seneca's just glad that there wasn't a real ceremony on this phase, other than watching and 'worshipping' the full moon with your significant other to represent serenity in a relationship, which makes this whole thing rather fitting.

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