chapter eighteen

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Patrick sat alone in his room on the lumpy hospital bed, a few minutes had passed since his mother made Mia leave. "where did they go he thought to himself, oh well at least Mia the terrible wasn't here anymore"!

Suddenly the door flew open and in walked Jack, "daddy, your back" Patrick squealed. Jack looked at Patrick and said "of course I am buddy, I just needed some air". His eyes than  scanned the small  room and not seeing Jackie or Mia, he looked at Patrick again, and asked him "where is mummy at"?

Patrick frowned and said"i don't know, daddy, her and Mia got into a fight, and than mummy, grabbed Mia the terrible by the hair and drugged her out the door">

Jack couldn't help but smile, he knew Mia was getting to Jackie with her rude remarks and also saying that Patrick wasn't really sick, hell, Mia was getting on his nerves too, and if she wasn't pregnant with his child, he would kick her to the curb.

"Daddy can we watch "Spongebob, now"? Patrick asked "pweese" he begged,  "Of  course we can buddy" Jack said as he grabbed the remote control off the table and pressed the red button, the annoying theme song for "SpongeBob SquarePants" started playing on the t.v.

"Yay, its on" Patrick said, "will you watch with me daddy, pweese"?

"Of course I will" Jack said as he gently sat down on the bed and pulled Patrick into his arms. one episode was already over and the theme song was starting to play, when Jackie finally opened the door. She slowly walked into the small room  and tried to not get too close for Jack to see her face.

"Mummy, your finally back" Patrick cried," will you please watch, "SpongeBob", with and daddy?

Jackie sighed, "of course, I will buddy, just let me jump in the shower" she said still not facing Jack and Patrick.

"Ok, mummy, hurry, before it goes off" Patrick said turning his full attention back to the  t.v. not noticing how odd Jackie was acting, but Jack, noticed that she was trying her best not to let them see her full face, "what is wrong" he thought to himself.

Jackie quickly located the small red duffle bag that Ethel, had brought for and Patrick to the hospital last night, she picked up out off the floor underneath the window seal and than practically ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, she tried to lock the door but there wasn't no lock on the door" what the hell, why is there no lock, well hopefully if I am in the shower than Jack wont come in" she thought to herself.

She than turned her attention to the small mirror above the small white sink, "great, just great, I look awful" she muttered to herself, she took a paper towel out of the blue machine on the wall by the floor and turning on the water from the sink she wet the paper towel and started to dab the huge gash above her left eye" ugh that burns" she cried, almost losing her balance and falling into the floor, she than decided to just jump into the small shower stall and letting the warm water clean everything at once maybe that would work better. She turned around from the sink, pulled back the pink shower curtain, and pulling the black lever all the way to the right side.

Jackie quickly pulled off her Dallas cowboys shirt and the black pj bottoms she still had on, her bra and panties were next and than she jumped under the scolding hot water, praying she can get her face to look remotely normal, before she saw Jack again.

"Jackie, are you ok"? Jack asked as he came into the bathroom

"Oh crap" she muttered to herself, "yes jack I am fine, just get me a minute and I will be out" Jackie exclaimed "please just leave me alone" she thought to herself, no such luck as she shirked feeling the cold air hit her back as Jack pulled the pink shower curtain back.

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