Chapter Nine - How Very Charming Of You

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Chapter Nine - "How Very Charming Of You"

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"Linds! Wake up!" A voice screamed in my ear that sounded just like Melissa's. I felt her hands wrapped tight around my arm as she shook me out of my sleep.

"What?" I muttered, rubbing my eyes so I could wake up.

Her grinning face was staring back at me as I yawned. "We're almost there!" She cheered.

"Oh, cool," I nodded with another yawn. She scoffed and turned away from me to look out the window, obviously annoyed with my unenthusiastic attitude.

It was day one of my Oregon lake house vacation, and apparently we were almost there. Our flight was about two and a half hours long, versus driving for almost sixteen hours. There was no way I'd be able to handle my family for that long in a car.

It was about 9 in the morning, and I slept from as soon as we took off considering I had to wake up at like, 5 o'clock because my sister was just so excited that she had to wake me up. And also we couldn't miss our flight.

My parents were sitting in the row across from us, talking quietly about something that I couldn't understand. I nuzzled my head back into my pillow and dozed off again. Then the flight attendant's voice woke me up and we safely landed a few minutes later.

Getting off the plane and over to where our luggage was, we found all of our bags and stopped at the bathroom quickly before my dad picked up the rental car and we left the airport in no time.

It was only about a twenty minute drive to our house from the airport, so we wouldn't be traveling for much longer. I looked out the window and watched the forest pass me by – I could almost smell the pine needles, a smile coming to my face at the thought of jumping in the lake.

"Alright, almost there," my dad turned down our street, passed all of the familiar lake houses. The sun is sparkling on the lake from what I can see, and there are plenty of people outside enjoying the beautiful Oregon weather. "And here we are!"

I hopped out of the car once it came to a stop and stretched, smiling and breathing in the woodsy air. The four of us grabbed our bags from the car and brought everything inside, and about ten minutes later, everything was in the house.

"Here's your sheets and things. Go make your room," my mom tossed me a bag full of blankets and sheets. I nodded to her command, as Melissa followed me into our room. And after an hour of organizing, cleaning, moving and sweating, our room was set up exactly how it is every year.

"It's great to be back," Melissa grinned, falling onto her bed and sighing contently.

"I need a shower," I spoke to myself, going over to my bag and zipping it open. I fished out my bag that had shower stuff and all that in it, then grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and left the room.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting it heat up for a few minutes while I stripped off my clothes. I took my hair out of its bun, brushing it through a bit and then got into the steamy shower.

Twenty minutes later with damp hair, I'm clean and automatically feel so much better. I'm convinced that a hot shower can fix pretty much anything.

I dried myself off and brushed my teeth, then pulled on denim shorts and a plain white tank. I scrunched my hair with some mousse before leaving the bathroom and found everyone outside on the back deck.

"Hey," I breathed with a smile, joining Melissa and my mom at the picnic table.

"Hi sweetie," my mom smiled too. At least vacation put her in a good mood for a little while.

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