Chapter Twenty - Do You Like Sushi?

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Chapter Twenty - "Do You Like Sushi?"

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September had quickly come to an end, and October arrived. It was officially the fall season, and although I loved summer with all of my heart, I couldn't lie and say I wasn't excited for the new season.

Hopefully this meant a new me. New season, new me, right?


It'd been about a month since senior year started, and nearly a month since the night Eric and I first slept together. We'd only done it three more times after that, and we weren't really taking it seriously or anything. I didn't think either of us had intentions on making things official between us.

Although I wasn't quite sure where our relationship stood, it was really helping me cope with the whole "being stuck on Chase" thing.

Speaking of my ex, we hadn't come in contact with one another since he pretty much ripped my heart out on my front porch a few weeks ago. He didn't tried to talk to me again, which obviously I was happy about. I just hoped if we kept things like this, maybe I'd eventually forget about him.

A heartbroken girl could dream.

Staring at Justin's TV with a blank look on my face and my mind elsewhere, I felt his elbow jab my arm.

"Hm?" I hummed, turning my head to look at him sitting next to me.

"I've been talking to you," he chuckled lightly. "Did you hear anything I said?"

"Sorry, what?" I shook my head.

"I asked what was going on between you and Eric," he glanced back at the TV and lowered the volume a bit.

"I don't know," I sighed. "I don't want to get too attached so I'm trying not to."

"Well, I don't think you're getting too attached. Not yet," he shrugged.

"I just wanted someone to get my mind off of that asshole," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Is that wrong? To basically use him for sex?"

"No, no, I don't think that's what you're doing," he abruptly shook his head. But the look on his face and the way his voice hitched at the end said otherwise.

"Justin," I sang, poking his sides to get him to confess what he's really thinking.

He pressed his lips together into a tight, sheepish smile and looked at me. "Okay, okay. Maybe I do think it's wrong," he admitted with a chuckle. I just groaned and sunk deeper into the couch cushions. "Look, Eric's a really, really nice guy. I'd hate to see him get feelings for you if you don't want to get anything out of this."

"I know," I breathed, running my fingers through my hair.

"So I think that while you aren't in too deep, you should get out before it goes too far," he nudged me with a smart look. "Or else someone's gonna get hurt."

"Why are you always right?" I chuckled, crossing my arms.

"That's the job of the best friend," he grinned.

I laughed again, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. "Hold that thought," I held up a finger to him, swiping across my phone to answer the call. "Dylan! Hi, what's up?" I smiled with a chipper tone.

"Hey Lindsay," he greeted. "I was just thinking about you."

"Oh, well that's flattering," I gushed, making him laugh.

It felt like it'd been years since we last saw each other. In reality, it had been a couple months. Both of us were busy with school and other things, so we didn't have a chance to meet up in awhile.

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