Chapter Twenty-Nine - I Know How To Make A Girl Happy

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Chapter Twenty-Nine - "I Know How To Make A Girl Happy"

*Trigger Warning*

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My eyes lit up as Todd smirked at me and nodded towards the house.

"Come on," he gestured for me to follow him. I walked back inside with him and we ventured through the house, until he stopped to discreetly point at someone. "There."

Following his finger, I saw the person he was pointing to.


"Yup," he smiled lightly. "He drove. And he would take you home."

"Oh, okay," I shrugged.

"He would do anything for you in a heartbeat," he said quietly, resting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me, nodding his head. The smile was so warm and genuine that it made me see a whole different side of Todd. It was nice. "Sometimes we know what's best for other people, even though they can't see it themselves."

I smiled wider and nodded too. "Thanks Todd. I owe you one."

"No you don't, but I'll see you on Monday," he dismissed me with a chuckle. 

I laughed too and bid him goodbye, then walked through the crowd of people towards Eric. I tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around, his eyebrows furrowing for a second until he saw it was me who approached him.

"Oh hey," he grinned. I hadn't seen him all night and I honestly didn't even know he was at the party, but I was so glad he was.

"Hi, I have a favor to ask," I smiled sheepishly, and he nodded for me to go on. "Could you take me home?"

"Sure," he agreed instantly, getting out his keys from his pocket.

"You're the best," I sighed happily, and he smiled again. He said goodbye to the group of people he was talking to, then led me to the front door. I slipped outside without seeing any of my friends, thankfully. 

We walked down the sidewalk together until we reached his car that was parked a few houses down. It unlocked, I hopped in shotgun and buckled myself while he started it up.

"So what happened? Why do you want to go home so early?" He asked once we were on the road.

I sighed and leaned my head back against the headrest, bringing my knees up to my chest and hugging them. "It's a long story that I'm sure you don't want to hear," I tiredly laughed, shaking my head.

"I mean, I'm not doing anything anyway and it's probably better than going back to Colt's and watching everyone get drunk around me," he chuckled too. "But if you really don't wanna talk about it, that's fine."

I smiled a little and picked my head up, pursing my lips. I played with the shoelace on my sneaker as I looked for the right words to say. But there were none, so I had to be sort of blunt about it. I didn't really mind though; I liked Eric and I knew I could trust him.

"Well... Todd kind of told all of my friends about the biggest secret I have and now they're all mad at me. And then Dylan and I broke up, so now I'm just really not in the party mood," I shrugged, summing it all up.

"Oh, I see," he nodded, obviously unsure of what to say in response to my shitty night. "Well that's awful. I'm sorry."

"Yeah," I breathed. Eric pulled up in front of my house and parked, then he shut his car off and turned to face me.

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