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*Maddi's POV*

"I really like him. I just don't want to tell him. He probably doesn't even have feelings for me. You know..when we met I called him a dick head. I just..I don't want to get hurt like the other relationships I've been in." I spoke over the phone.

For about an hour now, I've been on the phone with Matt. Yes, the Matt I met at the signing. Matt Nicholls.

"He does. Trust me, he talks about how you're so pretty, even though you have scars. Babe, please trust me. Now how about we go to the beach today. Invite everyone you know. Call me back, K?"

I sighed and I said, "OK, now you text me back when everyone agrees."

With that he hung up. Fuck you Matt. I stood up from my bed and looked through my closet to see if I had any bathing suits to wear. "Haha, yes." I had found my new bathing suit, that my mom had just bought me about two weeks ago but I never got the chance to wear.


I was outside waiting for Libby to pick me up to go to the beach but she was already late. Then I had finally saw her Jeep pull up in font of my house. "Finally, my bitch pulls up. Leggo!" I screamed.

As we pulled out she already had BVB's new album playing and the song was, I Am Bulletproof. When Matt texted me it scared me because he hadn't texted me in awhile.

"Ok. We're all here and so is everyone else. You better hurry up."

I smiled and locked my phone, "Lets move! They're all there!" I screamed at her. She laughed as she turned into the parking lot. When I saw everyone near the tides I jumped out of the Jeep and ran all the way out to them. When Oli wasn't looking I jumped on his back.

"You fucking scared me." He yelled. When I got off his back and walked away he grabbed my waist, "Sorry. You just really scared me babe." He whispered in my ear.

When Oli let me go I raced down to the water with the others racing behind me. "Come on Oli!" I yelled to him. He smiled and walked down to the water. Before I got into the water I took off my shirt and my shorts before getting in, leaving me in my pink and black stripped bikini.

"Come on! Everyone's in the water!" I yelled to Oli.


*Oliver's POV*

After Maddi took off her clothes and I saw her bikini..holy fuck she made me weak in my knees. She looked so beautiful, and so confident showing off her scars, like no one could see them. "Oli? Can we talk?" Matt asked me.

I nodded and we walked over towards where everyone laid their stuff. "What did you need, mate?" I asked. He cleared his throat and looked over at Maddi then at me, "So do you have feelings for her?" He asked quietly.

I really don't know. I do have feelings for her..but..I..she's way to young. I don't know how I feel about her considering I just met her and don't want to hurt her.

"Wait..does she have feelings for me?" I asked him. He nodded and my face went blank. "For about an hour today we talked about you. She like really likes you." I kicked the sand and looked at her again. "Thanks for telling me." I said, then he grabbed my arm, "So do you have feelings for her?" He asked again, but this time instead of saying nothing..I nodded.


*Maddi's POV*

As we all gathered around the fire we set up little spots on the beach. I picked mine next to Oliver sense he needed to talk to me. When he came back to the blanket he looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Look, uh...Maddi. I know we've only known each other for a short time but-"

That's when I cut him off with a kiss.

He was really surprised at first then began to relax and he grabbed the side of my face. When we pulled away he began to talk again, "Well! Before that was supposed to happen...I was going to ask be my girlfriend.." He looked away, but I kissed his cheek and whispered, "Yes," into his ear.

When he looked back at me he picked him up and spun me around, "Oh my gosh. I can't believe you're mine." He kept on kissing my face and my nose. I giggled and he hugged me. "Now get on my back and let's walk over to the others." He bent down and I jumped onto his back.

Walking over there, the others gave us smiles and some gave us laughs. "So, lets continue with the song." Kellin said clearing his voice.

He began to sing, Free Now, that was one of my favorite songs by them because it talked about his dad. Mostly because his dad was never there for him, neither was mine...

"Babe, you okay?" Oli asked me. I nodded and held on to his hand and laid my head into his chest. We got a couple awes and some called us cute. That's when Kellin snapped a pic of us and said he would post it on twitter. Well, he did. The photo said:

"Hollywood's new "HOTTEST" couple guys! @olobersyko & @maddiBMTH"

That's when Kellin said, "You know what I realized..we've all never really hung out like this, as you know, like friends." Everyone looked happy.

"This is like we're one family." I said.


It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now