Alligator Blood

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Alright so I'm really suprised everyone has made it this far into my story like wow. I'm just saying here is the setting sense everything is all jumbled, and I finally noticed this. It is 3 months after Warped Tour and the girls are leaving for a road trip to Maddi and Kyleigh's hometown. Everyone is living in Los Angeles for awhile and then heading of to other tours and some are going back home to get settled in.

Sorry if I confused so many! I did not mean to. Whoops! 

Now continue reading! xoxo |


*Maddi's POV*

"But why shouldn't I leave?" I asked Oliver. He rolled his eyes and I continued to pack stuff into my suitcase. For over an hour now Oli was taking stuff out of my suitcase and I was trying to out it back in.

"I will be back next week. Im just going to be a phone call away." I whispered and he took out my pants. "You're not leaving." I huffed and pushed him out if the room and then shut and locked the door behind him.

"I'm leaving for awhile." I yelled through the door. I heard him go down the stairs and I knew it was safe to unlock the door. This was going to be long.


"Hey guys!" I said to Libby, Alice, and Katy. It was a girls road trip, just the four of us. "How was it saying goodbye?" Alice asked. I shrugged, "Eh. He didn't like the fact I was leaving. But look who I brought."

I held up the cats cage and I heard him meow. "Awe. He's so cute." Libby said. I set him next to Katy who was sitting in the back seat. "Thanks for letting me stay back here with the little shit." I smiled and she laughed.

"Come on. Lets go." Libby yelled from the front seat. I hopped in the passenger seat, then Alice finally got in.

"I can't wait to get there, and shop." Alice said with a smile. "Where we headed to again?" Kyleigh asked from the back. 

I turned around and said, "As our girl road trip this year, I picked out hometown." Kyleigh smiled as she looked out the window.

"How long until then?" She asked. Libby hesitated and said, "Maybe 8 or 10 hours. Depends, if we all used the bathroom." She smirked and looked at the road.

"You know, I've been thinking about moving back home." Kyleigh said. Our attention was now on her. "What?" Alice asked. She smiled, "Home. Hometown. I miss it there a lot. My mom even said she would allow me to."

I huffed and said, "Well just think about it."


Here we were. Portland, Oregon. Hometown since the beginning. Nothing really changed, nothing at all. "Oh my god! The mall!" Alice screeched. I smiled and Libby went to the off ramp from the freeway.

"Nothing's really changed a lot." I heard Kyleigh say from the back. I nodded and I heard a soft meow. "Looks like someone needs a potty break." I giggled and Libby turned to our hotel.

"Ok. Everyone better know what room they're staying in." Alice said and opened the door. "My legs feel like jello." Kyleigh said as she laid on the ground. My phone buzzed from my back pocket and it was a notification from BryanStars Interview on twitter.

I slid my phone back into my pocket then grabbed my bag to catch up with Libby in the lobby. "Rooms 118 and 123. Which one?" I grabbed the 118 key and headed up the stairs.

Putting the key in the door knob I walked in and sat my bags on the ground. "Hell yes! We're totally sleeping here!" Kyleigh yelled as she walked in.

Then I remembered the BryanStars Interview tweet so I checked it. Clicking on the link that went to it I pulled out my laptop and put YouTube in to watch it on there.

"What you doin?" Kyleigh asked. I let her sit next to me and we watched the video Bryan posted. "Hey guys its me Bryan and I want to tell you what's going on today in music." (lol this is what writers block gives you)

I skipped a little to the end and it was about Oli and some girl. "Oliver Sykes caught kissing a stranger?! Get this, his girlfriend is out on a girl road trip and this happens. Oli, it looks like you're fucked."

I felt a couple tears come down my face and I felt my phone buzz. It was from Oli saying he wanted to explain. Chucking my phone across the room I cried into the pillow while Kyleigh rubbed my back.


*Oliver's POV*

I watched as the video replayed on my screen. Over and over again. Fucking Bryan "Stars".

Just ruined my fucking life! That was from almost three years ago! That's when I was with Amanda. Fucking bitch. I heard my phone go off and Matt was calling.


"Do you realize you fucked up?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, "That was from almost three years ago. When I was with Amanda. Someone must have told Bryan that was some other person. I promise you."

I heard some one else talking in the back and he spoke again, "We believe you. Just..I don't think Maddi does."

I sighed again and hung up.

Fuck. You. BryanStars. And. The. Internet.



Lol well this is for @elizabethbartleson because she helped me with this and told me to add more drama.

Well not exactly like that but still.

Have a great summer, and a great day!


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