Everybody Breaks a Glass

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*Maddi's POV*

My phone was ringing non-stop from Oliver. I can't believe I really said I was pregnant, again! He probably will hate me, sense I didn't tell him. I unlocked my phone and listened to the last message Oli had sent me,

"Can we please talk about this? I don't like the feeling of you not being me with. Please call or text me so we can meet somewhere and talk about this. I love you, more than you know. Bye."

I started to send a text to Oli, telling him to meet me at the mall in about an hour. Kyleigh came in and sat down next to me, "Libby told us what happened. I'm happy you're pregnant again because, I just am." I laughed and she looked at my phone as it started to buzz.

"Seeing Oli again, aye?" I nodded and started to slip on my vans. "It's good we can talk about this. I want him back, and I want him to explain." Kyleigh's face went pale, "That's what I really wanted to say." She started, "He didn't cheat. Oli explained that the picture was taken almost, like two or three years right before he met you. Someone must have told Bryan "Stars" that it was some other girl."

I nodded and sat down after slipping on my last shoe, "So..he didn't cheat?" I asked. Kyleigh nodded and I grabbed my iPhone off the bed, "I'm still going to see him anyways. Tell him I'm sorry for flipping a bitch on him." Kyleigh laughed and hugged me.

"Be good now, don't talk to strangers!" Kyleigh said as I walked out the door, down the stairs of the hotel, and towards the sidewalk heading to the mall.


*Oliver's POV*

It's been an hour. Why hasn't she been here yet? What if she got kidnapped? What if she just didn't want to show up? What if-

"Oli! Are you alright?" A girl asked in front of me. I was about to tell the girl to fuck off, but when I saw those blue eyes, and blonde hair, I knew it was Maddi.

I stood up and hugged her tightly, and I heard her giggle. "Oliver, I'm so so sorry." She said as I let go of her. I nodded and kissed the top of her head, "It's alright. Now are we good?" Maddi nodded and kissed my nose.

I chuckled and held her hand, "Want to check out some shops?" She nodded and ran towards the escolater. I ran right behind her and as she made her way to the bottom she ran into one of the stores. I stopped at the enterance and felt someone grab my shirt.

"Come on you fucker!" Maddi said to me. I laughed and walked in the store with her.

This was going to be a long day.


*Maddi's POV*

I guided Oliver through the front of the doors and headed towards the elevator with him close behind. "I like this day, very much so far." He said to me as the doors opened. That's when I saw someone, someone who looked like someone-

"Maddi? Maddi Ross?! Is that you?!"

I was kind of confused at first, but then I saw the look in her eyes.

"Brittney!?" I squealed. She nodded and we hugged eachother. She squealed and looked over towards Oliver, "You're dating Oliver Sykes?! The Oliver Sykes?!" I nodded and she squealed one more time before the elevator doors opened.

Brittney grabbed my arm and moved me out, Oliver then took my bags, I gave him a look and he smiled, "Maybe I should let you guys hang out for awhile."

Bittney nodded wildly and tugged me forward towards more shops.

Today was begining to go better than I had expected.







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