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"Madz. Hurry up." I heard Matt yell through the door. For the past twenty minutes I was looking at myself in the mirror, adjusting the bracelets on my wrist, and making sure my shorts were low.

I walked out of the bathroom and Matt ran right in. I giggled a little bit and made my way out of the tour bus, looking around for Oli and Jordan.

"Just..there were things that I thought she wouldn't do. I'm scared J." I heard Oli say from behind the bus. Jordan nodded and looked down. "But you still like her right?" I saw Oliver shrug his shoulders, which made me die inside.

I heard myself whimper, so that's when I ran back in the bus and grabbed my bag of belongings, then running back out. "Where are you going?" I heard Lee asked behind me. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Where ever the wind goes..I guess."

With that I walked out of the gates where the buses came in and walked right on the sidewalk, past a mini mart, passing a park, and finally to a meadow. My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I pulled it out.

Of course. A text from Oliver:

"Hey..Lee said you just left? Where? Plz tell me ): "

I smirked at sat down in the grass. Pulling out my sketch pad and a pencil, I drew what came into my mind.

A bridge.

That's it. That's all I really think about. Nothing more.

Turning on some music to concentrate, I got 4 more text but some were Matt and Libby.

The one from Libby said:

"U left? Words going around. Plzzz come back! Miss u!"

The one from Matt said:

"I luv you and I don't want u hurt. Txt me if u get this."

Sighing, I turned off my phone. Yes, completely off. "That was the only way to get them to leave me alone." I whispered.

The day was only getting worse by the second.


*Oliver's POV*

"OLIVER?! WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND!?" One of Maddi's friends screaming in my face. I looked away trying not to make eye contact with her, then she grabbed my face, "Listen. I don't care if you're a celebrity, I will murder you."

I choked and said, "I will find her. I promise." She hugged and said, "You have an hour before you go on, o I would find her within the hour." She stomped away walking to the BVB bus.

Now I have to find her.


*Maddi's POV*

Turning my phone back on, there were fifteen text notifications, five Facebook notifications, then finally almost twenty from twitter. All saying they wish they saw me, and some saying to die in a hole. I smirked to myself and looked at the time.

"Holy shit. It's 8:47." I whispered to myself while gathering my stuff together into my bag, and heading off down the sidewalk to where the buses were parked.


No one was there, not really surprised. I went to mine and Oli's bunk and started to put my clothes in another bag I brought. "Fucking Oliver. Leading me on. Fucking hate his guts." I kept whispering under my breath.

Finally gathering my cords to my laptop I got a text from Alice:

"Bitch! Tell meh where u r!"

I smiled and texted her back:

"I'm goin home. Love all u guys. Tell everyone I will miss them xx"

Opening up the bus door I looked around, seeing if anybody I knew was around. Walking past the buses and out to the bus stop I got another text. This one was from Oliver.

"What ever I did..I'm sry. I love u so much. Come back!!"

Feeling tears come out of my eyes a taxi pulled up next to me and I got in. "Where to?" The driver asked.

"Anywhere to get away from here." I whispered. The driver got confused, "What was that, ma'am?" Shaking my head I said, "Nothing..never mind. Take me to the airport."

The driver nodded and we were headed on our way.


It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now