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"So how do you feel today? Well enough for some walking?" Kyleigh asked as we laid in mine and Oli's bed. I shrugged, for the past few weeks I've been feeling like shit, an I really didn't know why.

"Have you and Oli..ya know?" She asked quietly. That's when I remembered the day Oli got home from the bar. "Fuck my life." I whispered. Kyleigh laughed and she got up. "Let's go faggot. We're going to the pharmacy."


*Kyleigh's POV*

Watching Maddi walk around nervously in the bathroom scared me. What if she was? What would Oli think? I bet Maddi was thinking the same thing in her head.

As the timer went off, Maddi walked over to the sink and gasped. "What does it say?" I asked her quietly. She stuttered and looked at me, "I-it's positive."

I smiled and she smiled too. "Oh my gosh. I'm going I be a mom!" She cheered. Giving her a big hug, she pulled out her phone. "Should I wait until he gets home..or call him now?" Maddi asked me.

"Later. Then he will be home and you will be able to see his reaction." I whispered to her. She kept on smiling and ran out of the bathroom yelling, 'I'm going to be a mom!'


*Maddi's POV*

Sitting on the couch down stairs I saw headlights through the window and saw Oliver get out of his car. "Maddi. I'm home." He yelled as he opened the door. "Hey. I need to ask you something." I said quietly motioning him towards me.

When he sat down I grabbed his hand, "Have you ever..erm..that about having children..with me?" Oliver hesitated for a moment and scratched the back of his head, "Well yes. I love you, I would want to have little babies of us running around." I giggled and looked down.

"Wait..why do you ask?.." He asked me. I sighed and took a deep breath, "Promise to hold any anger inside when I tell you." Oli nodded and I said, "Oliver..I'm pregnant."

His face went white as a ghost and he coughed, "I can't believe it." I suddenly became scared, did he want the baby with me? "This is amazing!" I looked at him and smiled.

"I'm having a baby with the girl I love! Oh my gosh, I have to tell everyone!" He yelled running up the stairs. I started to laugh and looked at my phone, there was a notification from twitter. Oli had tweeted it.

"Err maah gerd! I am so happy((;;"

I laughed a little and got up and walked up the stairs only to be greeted by the cat. "Come on you little fuck." I whispered to him.


*Kyleigh's POV*

Looking around to see if everyone was gone I turned my camera on. "Hey my little fucks. Today I just had a major experience. I think that you will find out later, and I really want to tell you now..but I can't."

For almost a year now I had made YouTube videos and became a YouTube partner. I rant, vlog, and read fan mail. "Well. Anyways..this week I met some of my fans. You know who you are, wink wink. And you all have asked me if me and Matt Nicholls are dating."

I hesitated and looked down then back up, "He hasn't asked me, but he will probably see this someday and I want to say this," I looked at the camera with a straight face and said,

"I FUCKING LIKE YOU! You're hilarious, amazing, and cute. I love your hair, even though you let me touch it like three times. Still, if you see this..ASK ME OUT! I'M READY! I WILL WAIT FOREVER FOR YOU IF IT TAKES YOU THAT LONG TO ASK ME!"

I sighed and did a little dance, "If you guys could try..could you please try and make him see this. Thank you! Love you all!" I made a little half heart with my hands and turned the camera off and started to edit the video.

As I finished and it was done uploading, I sent a tweet with the link with the video in it. In about five minutes people were tweeting me saying that Matt and I would make a great couple.

If only he could see this.


*Matt's POV* {Holy fuck! Finally!}

Looking through the channels in the T.V. I was bored out of my fucking mind so I decided to go on twitter in my laptop. When I got to my notifications I saw so many links to this video, clicking on it, Kyleigh's face popped up.

The videos name was, 'Confession Time'

"Well. Anyways..this week I met some of my fans. You know who you are, wink wink. And all of you have asked me if I was dating Matt Nicholls."

She looked at the camera with a straight face and said, "I FUCKING LIKE YOU!" That was enough to get into my head and think about her. Her smile. Her little nose piercing. Her personality.

She was the whole package, literally everything about ehr was perfect and I really did infact like her but I didn't know she felt the same way. 

I decided to send a tweet out after watching the entire video,

"watched @ohmykyy 's video and it was really interesting, maybe she would text me now?"

 Now all I do at this moment is wait for her to text me..



I have decided I'm going to go back on my YouTube and start making videos as well.

I have no idea when that will be, but it will be soon!


Have a great day, and have a great summer!


It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now