Hospital For Souls

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*Maddi's POV*

Who knew two weeks would turn into two months? Oliver didn't call back after the first week I was here, then made up an excuse saying he was busy with his clothing line, and that he was traveling around, that he didn't have enough time to be home and watch me.

Like a baby.

So I stopped the annoying texts.

I stopped the annoying calls too.

Abby and I began to get closer. Abby also began to get closer with Alan. Austin and I began to get closer too, I kind of liked it. I guess he mostly thought of me as a sister. His pregnant sister, at that.

"Maddi! Brittney and Kyleigh are down stairs. They look wonderful, I don't want to go down alone. Come with me so we won't be late." Abby said through the door. Looking at myself one more time, I finally felt beautiful.

I hear Abby knock on my door and open it. She gasped as she saw me standing there, "You're so beautiful! I love this dress on you."

Smiling I saw Brittney standing behind her wearing a purple dress with small sun flowers on it, then Kyleigh followed close behind her wearing a dress covered with flowers, and a flower crown to match.

We are going to a flower themed wedding, if you couldn't tell by now.

"Lets go! Alan is waiting for us there!" Abby said as we headed out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and to Kyleigh's car.


*Austin's POV*

She looks so beautiful up there. The way she smiles at me always makes my heart flutter. Jesus, I sound like a girl. but she looks so beautiful who wouldn't think about her? The way her baby bump makes her look do you say?

She looks like a wonderful master piece.

"Austin? You alright?" Alan asked next to me as he glanced up and Abby. I nodded as the preacher spoke one last time. (A/N: This is always my favorite part)

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

At that moment everyone cheered as Mr. & Mrs. Todd shared their first kiss as a married couple.


*Maddi's POV*

"Please enjoy the dance everyone." I spoke through the mic. People cheered and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Then it got worse and someone rushed over.

It happened to be Austin.

"Hospital?!" He asked a little loud over the music. I nodded and he grabbed me gently by my arms and to his car.


"Austin. Text everyone on my phone. Yes, I mean EVERYONE!" I yelled at him as I handed him my phone. He nodded and ran towards the waiting room as the doctors took me to one of the rooms.

"Ms. Ross. Please stay calm. The doctor will be here as soon as possible, we just need to ask you a few questions. Do you have any allergies to any kind of medicine?" One of the nurses asked me.

I shook my head and then more doctors came in, hooking me up to machines. I let out a heavy sigh and thought of how OLiver would react if he got the texts that Austin sent.


*Austin's POV*

"We're here! Why didn't you tell anyone you guy were leaving for the hospital?"

Kyleigh asked with Matt Nicholls tightly grabbing her hand. Kyleigh looked away and sighed. Maddi's Mom and step-dad ran in with Abby, Alan, Brittney and a couple of her other friends following behind them.

"Kyleigh! Where is Maddi? Is Oliver notified about this?" Before Kyleigh could speak I stepped in and said, "I'm the one who texted everyone in her contacts. And by everyone, the includes Oliver."

I lied.

I didn't even bother to text Oliver. He doesn't deserve this happiness, he left Maddi. Now I'm here for her.

"Mr. Carlile!" A doctor yelled fro behind me. I quickly turned around and faced him. He looked me and said, "Ms. Ross has asked if you wanted to be with her while we deliver the baby." I nodded quickly, and he then guided me to the room she was in.

When we walked in the handed me a "gown" I guess you could say, and Maddi gripped on to my arm, "Thank you." She said.

I nodded and the doctor sat down in front of her, "Now. Ms. Ross I'm going to have to ask you to push."







Have a great day!


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