Rolling Stone

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*Libby's POV*

Getting out of the bunk me and Andy shared, I lazily got a bowl of cereal and got milk. "Hey princess. How's our other little princess doing?" I heard Andy say behind me and he hugged me from behind touching my stomach.

Oh..did I not mention, I'm already 5 months pregnant? Well it was after Warped Tour last year and Andy asked to go out with me, I said yes of course. So, one night we got like really drunk and one thing lead to another..and here I am with a baby inside me.

"Well, I was starving and so was the little one." I said with a giggle, Andy gave me a smile and kissed me on my forehead, then got a bowl from the sink and washed it out.

So far, I have to say, it's better than my last life.


*Alice's POV*

Walking through the venue I saw Justin waving the flag for the metch tent around. "Hey babe." I said giving him a kiss. He smiled and rubbed my stomach. "How's the little one doing?" Justin asked. {A/N: I didn't know what to do so both of the girls are pregnant bc why not??}

Yes, I'm pregnant, and I'm engaged. It was after Warped Tour and my mom had kicked me out of the house for an odd reason. She said I was getting to old to stay with her, so I packed up and left. It was after that and Justin decided that was should get very serious together and I agreed. I'm now two months pregnant and engaged.

"Just fine." I said to him with a smile. "Gosh I can't wait to just see him now." Justin whispered rubbing my stomach. "Hey baby. It's daddy." He whispered again, which this made me giggle and Justin kissed me.

"Ewww. Get a room!" I heard Gabe yell. "Hey. So are you staying in the V.I.P tent?" Justin asked. I nodded and he whispered, "Well how about you be backstage and I have a surprise for you." I gasped and he walked away with a grin.

Damn, that boy.


*Maddi's POV*

Getting up from the couch I shut my laptop and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stripping off all my clothes I got in and started to sing the song that was stuck in my head all day:

"My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage, all while I'm still collecting coins. Trying hard to save the girl-."

That's when someone banged on the door. "Maddi! Hurry the fuck up!" Of course it was Lee. "Hold the fuck up!" I yelled at him while shutting off the water and putting a towel around me. "We have to go to the tent in twenty minutes and I have to brush my hair." He yelled through the door.

Looking around I spotted a blue brush and quickly opened the door and through it out. "Thank you." I heard him say as he walked away. I laughed and continued to put my shorts on.


Brushing through my knotted hair, some knocked on the door. "Hey, can you open up?" Now that was from Oli. Opening the door slowly he walked in next to me and gave me a smile. "You're beautiful without the makeup." He whispered.

I laughed and looked over at the mirror and put mascara on. "Is that alright?" He shrugged and said, "You still look better without it on." Feeling my cheeks go hot, he smirked at me. "Well were heading to the tent now..wanna ride there?"

I nodded and we walked out of the bus and I got on his back. "I like this view. I can see mostly everything. I feel tall, this is great." He laughed and we continued waking.


*Justin's POV*

Getting ready, and warming up for our performance, I kept looking over at Alice. She was talking with Katelynne and she smiled at me. I waved at her and Katelynne walked away to got talk to Kellin. "Tell me what you have planed!" She begged, shaking my head she groaned. "Don't be sad." I said giving her a hug.

"Hey dude. Time to go." Jack said to me. I pulled away from our hug and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and I walked onto stage.


*Maddi's POV*

"Kyleigh?! Where the fuck have you been?!" I screamed at her when I saw her in the tent. "Wow! Calm your fucking tits, Matt and I went to go get snow cones." She said. I gave her a weird stare and asked, " and Matt?" Kyleigh blushed and gave me her derp face.

"I don't know. Ask him. The man is supposed to ask the girl. Not the other way around." Katy said walking away.

Well then..


Sense Libby invited me backstage to see Sleeping With Sirens with her, I had to drag Kyleigh along. "I have to say..I've always dreamed about marrying Jack, then again..he's just not good looking now." Katy whispered to me.

I laughed a little to loud, so Libby and Alice looked at me, "What's so funny?" Alice asked, I stopped laughing and looked away. "Alrighty then." Alice whispered.

When SWS was finished with their first song, Justin said something into the mic. "Now today, I've brought someone very beautiful me here, on tour. The cool thing is I met her at Warped Tour last year. Now guys..please beautiful wife."

At the same time her said that, Alice awkwardly walked on stage. There were some people telling her to jump off a bridge but it seemed like she didn't care. "The cool thing is..she has a baby in her.." Justin said into the mic with the whisper.

Awes had erupted from the crowed and Alice blushed. She kissed Justin on the cheek and walked back over to us. "Ugh, if only Andy could do that." Libby whispered to me. I giggled and my phone vibrated. It was a text from Oli.

"We are settin up. Wanna help? (: "

I looked at Kyleigh and she nodded, "Hey Libby. Kyleigh and I are going to help the band set up for there set. Wanna watch?" She shrugged her shoulders and followed us to the stage they were performing at.


It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now