Déjà Vu

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"Bitch! Damn it!" I screamed as I played CoD. Yup, not a gamer here. I'm just not good at it. "Maddi! Come here please." My mom yelled from the kitchen. I left the game, so I wouldn't get killed, and walked downstairs to see what my mom needed.

"Yes?" I asked walking in the kitchen. My mom was on her laptop and waved me over. "So..quick question..How long has it been since you've been to warped tour?" She asked.

I hesitated and remembered all the things that happened the last time I went. "Maybe..almost a year..I think." I said. She nodded and looked at the laptop again. "Well..did you ever want to go again?" She asked.

Remembering everything that happened at last years..I really missed getting out of the house. "Yes!" I said with enthusiasm. My mom smiled widely and pulled me over to look at the screen. "Well you just got two free tickets!"

Jumping around with my mom, I was so happy to go again. But with who? Alice and Libby totally forgot me. They text me sometimes, but ever since I've left tour they believed they were better than me.

Yup, snotty bitches.

"Thank you again!" I said while running up to my room and grabbing phone to call my cousin, Kyleigh. She is what I call, "My Basic Bitch."

Looking through my contacts I found her name and clicked on it. There were three rings and she answered,

"Better be important, 'cause I'm in the middle of CoD and people are being dick suckers."

I laughed and said, "Remember how you always complained about your mom not taking you to Warped?"

"Yes very mu-. COCK SUCKER!"

I laughed even harder and I put the phone on speaker, "Now, my mom got us tickets and-."

"What you say?"

Hearing her controller drop, I knew she was listening.

"Tickets. To Warped.."

"I. Fucking. Love. You! Thanks for the ticket! When is it?"

"This Sunday. Be ready, because I finally got my first car!"

"Lawl. Well, text me the rest. Bye!"

She hung up and I was left to play the rest of my CoD game.


*Oliver's POV*

"Ready?" Jordan asked. I slumped out of the lounge seat and walked down the hallway to the bus door. "Sure." I whispered.

All of us were walking to the merch tent to set up for the signing. "Hey. You alright?" Matt asked me. I shook me head, "No. I'm still a fucking mess without her." I whispered. He began to nod and said, "She might be here..you don't know."

He had a smile on his lips and he looked away to see a band performing. I wonder what he meant by that. As we walked up to the merch tent I finally knew what he meant.

That's when I saw her piercing blue eyes.


*Maddi's POV*

"Lawl. Lawl." Kyleigh kept on saying over and over again, making me laugh every time. She smiled and stared forward. "Why can't they just sign now, like fuck." She whispered to me. I shrugged me shoulders and looked over towards his band walking over to this tent. Thats when these curtain eyes caught mine.

They were the same hazel ones I left almost a year ago.


I turned towards Kyleigh and she gave me her best smile. "Why didn't you tell me this was a Bring Me The Horizon signing?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders, "Bitch! You didn't even ask!"

Kyleigh began to laugh, I laugh with her and cross my airs, "Well give me another reason." I said to her, she hesitated and said, "You could alway re-kindle your love with Oli." She said with a kissy face.

I shook my head and the line moved forward. How long was this going to take?


*Oliver's POV*

"Where's she at?" Lee asked. All of the guys, plus me, were looking for Maddi while signing some of the fans stuff. "Spotted her." Matt said with a grin. I smiled a little to myself as I saw Jordan sign hers and her friends stuff.

"Aye! Maddi, I missed you." I heard Matt say to her. She gave him a small smile and hugged him, just seeing her smile made my heart grow.

As she made her way towards me her smile went away. "Hello." I said to them. "Hi Oliver." Her friend said. I smiled at her and Maddi looked away. "So..how have you been Maddi?" I asked her.

She ignored me, and her friend elbowed her in her ribs. "I've been fine..how have you been?" Maddi asked. That's when I whispered, "I missed you. Like a lot." She blushed a little and said, "Can you just sign my shit?"

Laughing at her comment I asked, "After the signing can..we..uh talk?" I saw a smile creep on to her lips and she nodded. I stood up and I gave her an awkward hug. She waved as she walked away.

Man, I miss her.


*Kyleigh's POV*

"So you and Oli? Getting back together maybe?" I asked her with a giggle. She shrugged her shoulders, "If there something Taylor Swift has taught me is that, 'We Are Never Getting Back Together!'"

I laughed at her and looked at the stuff all of the guys signed. That's when this thing caught my eye. It was from Matt Nicholls.

"Ayye..you're really cute and beautiful. If Oli does invite Maddi back to the bus go with her. I want to meet you(; "

I gasped and fell o the ground. "Dear lord! Thank you for this wonderful day!" I yelled as everyone looked at me as I got up. Maddi began to laugh at me and we walked to the BMTH performance.


*Libby's POV*

Looking around to see if I could find her, I ran into a couple fans asking for a picture. I really hate Warped so far. That's when I saw her. "Maddi! You fat ass!" I yelled to her.

She finally turned her head and ran to me. I felt her hug me and I slightly hugged her back. "So what up?" Maddi asked me. I shrugged and noticed someone with her. "So..who's this?"

Maddi turned head and looked at the girl who was standing right next to her typing away at her phone, "Oh her! She's my cousin, Kyleigh." She said. I began to laugh to myself. "Wow. Last time I saw her was when you had that huge sleepover." Maddi nodded an we turned towards who was playing.

"So why did you leave?" I asked her. Maddi looked towards me and sighed, "Just that..it felt like Oli was using me, so that's why I left." Nodding I looked towards who was still performing.

BMTH was. Looking over at Maddi, all she did was wave and smile at Oli. Are these two getting back together?


*Maddi's POV*

Walking backstage, Kyleigh seemed more excited then me. "You alright?" I asked her, she nodded and we were looking around for their tour bus.

"Over here!" I heard Matt yell. That's when I was tackled into a big hug. "We missed you so much." Jordan said. I giggled and Lee patted my head. "Now Oli is on the bus, over there so you go and I will show your friend around." Matt said.

Kyleigh blushed and I said, "She's my cousin and if you do anything stupid..you sir are dead." He gave me a serious face and I walked towards there your bus.



Sorry for the wait. It took a lot of ideas to get this chapter in.

On the side is Kyleigh.

Hope you have a great day, and have a great summer! (:

It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now