The Sadness Will Never End

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*Maddi's POV*

"Sorry about that. They told me to push, so I fucking did." Alice told me as I started to shake my hand out. "Next time, if Justin isn't here, you're hold someone else's hand." She giggled and I looked towards the door and Libby, with Annabelle in her hands, plus Anna walked in.

"How is he?" Libby asked softly. Alice sighed, "They're bringing him back in a couple minutes but as I saw he was doing fine."

Libby gave her a small smile and the nurse walked in with Alice's baby in her hands. The nurse walked over and handed the baby to Alice then asked, "Did you have a name for him?"

Alice hesitated, "We were thinking between Alex and Hayden. Sense Justin isn't here..I've decided on Hayden." The nurse nodded and wrote something down on a piece of paper, the name I guess.

"He's so cute. He has Justin's eyes." Alice whispered. Anna started to smile and she sat next to me. "Hey, Anna?" Libby asked.

Anna turned her head towards her and nodded, "Does your mom know you're here with us." Anna hesitated and shook her head. "She thinks I'm out with friends, even though I haven't made any yet." Libby smiled and reached for her hand, "Well you're here with friends now." Anna gave her a small smile and turned towards the door.

Justin. (And the rest of Sleeping WIth Sirens xD)

"Alice! I'm so sorry that I wasn't here. I shouldn't have let you go, I knew this was going to happen." He blurted out as he walked over towards her. Alice giggled and kissed his cheek while handing Hayden off to him. Justin started to cry and said, "He looks just like me." Alice nodded and someone walked through the door.

Oliver and Matt.


*Oliver's POV*

As Matt and I walked into the hospital room, eyes were on us. I felt Maddi's glare burn into the side of my head as I took a seat near Jesse. I gave Maddi a warm smile, then I saw Katy motion me outside of the room. When I got up from the chair, I walked towards Kyleigh and she shut the door behind us.

Next thing I know she stomped on my foot, "Bloody fucking hell! Are you mad?!" I screamed at her. She smirked and said, "Are you mad?! Cheating on Maddi, the day she leaves on a girl road trip?!" I covered her mouth with my hand and she licked it. Pulling my hand away I wiped my hand on my jeans and she continued talking. "By the way, I know the picture was fake, you just deserved it. Also, try to explain to her what happened please?"

I nodded and we walked back in the room, I took my seat next to Jesse. Maddi kept sending me glares every second, but I gave her a smile, but she turned away before she could see it.

This was going to be hard for her to forgive me.


*Libby's POV*

When I pulled into the hotel parking lot, Maddi automatically got out of the car and ran up the stairs to the room, Kyleigh gave me a small smile and helped me carry the bags up our rooms, I heard some crying and yelling coming from Katy and Maddi's so I turned to Kyleigh and said, "Here," I handed her Annabelle, "Take Anna and the bags to mine and Alice's room. I will be there in 20 minutes."

Kyleigh nodded and continued down the hallway to my room. I put my ear up to the door and continued to hear Maddi yell, she was probably talking to Oliver.

"You're lying to me! You're a fucking cheating Oliver, I knew it! I can't believe you!" She screamed. That's when I heard a faint whisper, "I'm pregnant again." Then more cries took over and her phone was thrown to the floor.

I knocked on the door lightly and it opened by itself, as I walked in there sat at very sad and angry Maddi. I ran over to her she was on her feet and hugging me tightly while she cried.

"We're so fucked up, I'm fucked up!" She whispered in my ear, "Dear. We will get through this, everyone is here for you." I felt Maddi's head move then she whispered in my hear again,

"What if it happens again?" I knew what she meant.

Losing the baby.

"No, no no. Don't think like that! Everything will be fine." She shook her head and said, "No. Nothing will ever be fine!"

Only I hope to god it will he fine.





And I forgot to show you what Anna looks like, and yes she is a new member in the story so enjoy her lol.

She's on the side is Anna!

Have a grear summer, and a great day!


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