Chapter 22

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(Arthur's pov)

"HOW IN THE BLOODY HELL DOES SHE KNOWS ALL OF THAT!?" I yelled in the separated room. "I don't know!" Alfred shouted. Yao said something between the lines of 'stupid loud american' and Francis rolled his eyes. "Okay let's do this professionaly, let's go in there and um Interrogate her!" I mentally face palm. "You bloody stupid arrogant .... we just did that, you .... Let's just go back." I could literally feel my nerve pop. We walked back in to see the assasin still in tied to the chair. "So Alfred, the man born in 4th of July, in Brooklyn, What do I own the pleasure?" She shrugged and made kissing face. "Dude ho the hell do you know that?!" The bloody american yelled next to me that the whole western world could hear him. "Oh just doing my business, homework and all." Francis stepped up and walked towards her. "Tell us your realy name." She rose a eyebrow and smirked. "My name is Allison Jillian Peterson Walker Taylor, pleasure to meet you Francis." Seeing the frog being scare is something that will go in my happiness memories. "Liessssss." Alfred dragged his words, almost making me snap. "Okay you got me, tyler is my last name." [A/N:You can change anything in here I just made shit up] She thought for a moment and shrugged. "I don't remember any more, so many names really." Ivan seemed as frustrated as us and his turn came up. "Speak or I'll show you what Russia is made out of." His dark aura that made everyone hide, didn't even made her flinched. Instead she laughed, which we almost died from a heart attack. "Please that's all you got? Seriously, hey how's your sisters doing? Is your younger sis still trying to marry you?" His eyes widen and he took a small step back. "How?" She laughed. "Um homework."

(Y/n)'s pov

So far you did manage to loose the handcuffs but you were just waiting for a perfect opportunity. Then Matthew came up with something in his hand and put up to me face. First rude, then it took you a couple of blinks to see the (c/h) woman sitting on a chair. Your eyes widen to see the woman there to be your mother. "How did you get that?" You asked coldly and emotionless. Then Anna came along the door and wave her fingers. "Ego scindam admovere iugulo tuo gladium de." Your Latin speaking cold deadly side came on. "Oh please, I had worse." Then she waved her fingers at you one last time before she walked away. "So who is she?" Ivan said in a playful voice. "Abi in malam."


A/N: okay wait a second before- *dodge a arrow* okay I know your kinda pissed for me not updating but I'm here aren't- *another arrow pass me* FOR THE UNICORN'S SAKE STOP TRYING TO KILL ME!

Le translations- from your trusty google translator:

Latin: Abi in malam-go to hell

Latin: Ego scindam admovere iugulo tuo gladium de- I'll rip your throat out


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