Chapter nine

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  June 20,2015


 The world above me was all so blurry. It was almost as if I had taken out my contacts or taken off my glasses. A white light glowed behind the body of my saviour as he tried to wake me up. His voice was muffled and distorted and his face remained undetectable. A few seconds later, I was shocked to feel his lips on mine, blowing air into my system. His mouth detached from me and he gasped for air. My vision became clearer and I identified him as Dylan. I choked on the water that came to my mouth as I was pulled into a sitting position by the shirtless brown haired male.

          "Daphne!" My hearing was kind of better but still not where it used to be. "Are you okay?"

     I nodded in response as I was still in shock. What happened? Why was I coughing up water? More importantly, why was I wet?

   Then it all came back to me. I was, once again, a victim of my bullies. Dylan wrapped a towel around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I gasped and he immediately let go.

         "I'm sorry. Just don't scare me like that again, okay? God, I'm going to make them pay."

         "Dylan, Don't worry about it. I'm still here aren't I?"

         "Yeah, you are." He hugged me once again and kissed my forehead.


         "Yeah. Yeah. You have a boyfriend. I shouldn't have."


    Just then, I see a very furious Calum walk from Mr. Hemmings' office. I thought that maybe he finally ran his mouth off in front of Luke's dad until I noticed the rest of them emerging from there. I cowered behind Dylan, as if he could protect me from all of them, once I saw that they were approaching us.
       "Mr. O'Brien would you please excuse us for a moment?" Mr. Hemmings said as he stared at me with very cold eyes.
      "Um... With all due respect sir, Daphne is not in a position to stress over minuscule matters such as this one right now." Dylan clearly showed his disgust towards Luke and the others. I told him that it was fine and that I was okay and after a series of are you sure's, he reluctantly left.

      "That Dylan kid... Exceptionally bright but stubborn, you know? You guys are a great couple."

     I shook my head just as the last word left Mr. Hemmings' mouth. I think I saw Luke stiffen too... Or that could just be my imagination. Mr. Hemmings was never good at easing tensions but he was great at making things awkward.

     "Anyway, I came to talk to you about the fund-raiser planning committee. Are there any openings?"

    No. Say no. "Yeah there are openings." Dammit .

    "Great because Luke and the others were thinking about joining."

    "What?!" Everyone shouted as Mr. Hemmings covered his ears.

    "Indeed! Just look at Luke's eager little face." Luke's face was currently frozen in shock.

    "If that's his eager face then I wonder what his shocked face looks like." I said under my breath.

    "Then it's settled! Happy working together!" Mr. Hemmings clapped me and Luke on the back before walking away with a happy and proud look on his face. 

     All of a sudden, they turned to look at me.

     "This is how it's going to go," Louis started. 

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