Chapter Thirteen

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June 27,2015
"Hey, Daphne!" Calum shouted as he ran up to me. I froze. I have been laying low for the past few days and it's been working out for me.
"C-Calum." I tried to come off as carefree but my voice betrayed me. I stood at the juice bar with my whole body trembling.
"What's wrong? Didn't ya miss me?"
"Y-You went somewhere?"
Calum made a face. "Yes I went somewhere."
Was it hell?
"And before you think it no. It wasn't hell. I went to see Harry at his Summer beach house." Damn rich people.
"I don't mean to sound rude but what does that have to do with me?" I asked trying to express my feelings without getting my ass kicked.
"I didn't come here to say that." Obviously. "I came here to ask you about what you did to Luke."
"Excuse me. What?"
"You know what."
"I assure you that I do not know what you are referring to."
"You went over to his house the other day, right?" I nodded. "Well since then he's been such a pussy."
"That's... Certainly interesting? Still not entirely sure what this has to do with me. But how so?"
"Look. You want an example?"
"Fine. Yesterday we were planning to pull the most epic prank on you. There was going to be eggs,feathers,fireworks and a whole shit ton load of other stuff. But he was all like,' guys we should give Daphne a break. Imagine how she feels. Blah blah blah.'" Calum rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "Of course we had to back down after he brought up the fact that we'd lose our jobs but a lot of compost was wasted because he didn't want to prank you. A lot."
"I want you to stop doing whatever you're doing with Luke. I want my best friend back so we can make your life living hell."
"Why would I do that?" I asked forgetting who I was talking to. Calum's cold eyes looked mine in an intense glare.
"Get him to hate you again or else." Calum stormed off in the other direction leaving me confused.
I spent the whole day looking for Luke while I thought of ways to get him to hate me. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with anything so I'll just tell him to hate me. Finally ,at the end of this exhausting day, I found Luke talking to Miranda.
As I walked up to the pair I couldn't help but overhear an exchanging of words.
"But I love you! Don't you love me?" Miranda shrieked. She desperately grabbed the sleeve of Luke's shirt.
Luke shrugged her off and said with nothing but coldness in his eyes. "Of course not. Our relationship was strictly sexual. No strings attached. You should know that better than anyone else."
"But I want this to work! I know it can.".
"Sweetheart, no. It cannot and will not work."
I was just about to turn back around when I heard an annoying voice call my name.
"Look what the cat dragged in."
"Hi Miranda." I said. "You sure are a good actress. You hide your feelings just as well as your make up hides that pimple on your chin."
"Ha ha. So funny I forgot to laugh."
"You just did." I sarcastically smiled.
"You saw that?!" Luke asked. His eyes were no longer ice cold but still they weren't kind.
"Um... Depends on what you call that. If you meant what happened between you and Miranda, oh absolutely. I saw and heard quite a bit."
"Oh..." Luke looked down, moving pebbles with his foot.
"Anyways, I need to talk to you." I looked at Miranda. "In private. "
Daphne led me to the storage room we were locked in before. It was still fucking cold.
"What are we doing here?" I asked.
"What do you think?"
"Oh... You really want your first time to be in here?"
"What? No Luke. Can you please be serious?"
"Sorry... "
"Wow. In here is still cold."
"No shit."
"Anyways, I hate your stupid lip ring." Daphne folded her arms. "And your dumb hair."
"Am I supposed to be offended?"
"Yes... So much that you'd say that you hate me more than ever."
"What's this about?"
"I need you to hate me like normal and go back to being Calum's best friend. So come on. Insult me. Hit me. Tease me. Take away my cash."
"Daphne you fucking idiot. Don't you know that I never started liking you? How could I? You're a loser." I said in the most threatening voice ever.
"Hey Allison. You'd not believe what happened again." Daphne said into her phone. "Yeah. I got locked in the storage room again... Silly, stupid, forgetful me. I'm so stupid."
"What were you guys doing in there?" Allison asked the both of us.
"Fucking..." I answered.
Allison gasped as Daphne rolled her eyes.
"We were not having sex Allison. We went in there to talk in private. I just thought that the lock had been changed so I closed the door. Why I thought that, I really don't know. I guess some things don't change. Same goes for people." Daphne turned away for a moment, looking at nothing.
"That's actually so true. My grandma keeps on feeding her cat Tobias. Even though we told her that Tobias died five years ago. She just keeps on doing it."
"That's weird. You guys should probably get her evaluated." Daphne looked back at Allison and giggled. "She may really be seriously sick."
"Or just weird as fuck." I said trying to lighten the mood. Instead of doing that my comment,however, made both of them roll their eyes.
"Insensitive prick." Daphne said under her breath.
"If I was really an insensitive prick would I stop Calum from doing that stupid prank?! Would I?!" I clenched my fist so tight that they turned white. Daphne whimpered and flinched. She closed her eyes and braced for impact.
"Whoa there. Watch that anger, Mister." Allison came in between us and tried to calm me down.
"You're so fucking annoying. Move." I pushed her out of my way and got closer to Daphne. Her tears soaked her cheeks and her body shook violently.
"What are you waiting for? Do it! H- hit me!" She shouted. "Just do it already!"
"I'm- I'm not going to hit you. I'm sorry Daphne." I dropped my hands. "I should get back to the guys."
Luke turned to walk away but stopped. "I should drop off the decorations for the thing tonight at your place right?"
"Yeah.." I answered timidly.
Luke continued to walk away without looking back. When he was out of sight I started to cry again.
"Hey,it's okay. Don't cry." Allison tried to console me.
"I'm not a little kid you know."
"You're not a little kid now. I'll watch you get big now. Spell your name on a fridge now. With all his alphabet toys." Allison sang to me.
"Are you singing Alphabet Boy by Melanie Martinez right now?"
"I was trying to cheer you up. Did it work?"
"Yeah I guess so. Come on. We need to get back to work."
"But it's 4:30..."
"And our shift ends at five so let's go."
Kind of a filler... So yeah

Everything I Didn't Say///  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now