Chapter nineteen

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July 28,2015
     "Hang those lights across there. Yeah, right over where the karaoke machine will be." I directed Calvin, a colleague, to do. "You can't put sand by the pool! People will slip and fall,Riley!" Riley immediately stopped himself and apologized.
      "You're so stupid sometimes." Allison said as she passed Riley.
       "I love you too, Allie-Cat." Riley replied. Allison finally admitted her feelings to Riley and, turns out, he liked her too. I guess they're dating now. Seeing the two of them openly flirt with each other made me think of Ashton's words. Am I really the one who decides to move on? If so, how? When we were younger, I knew what I wanted. And what I wanted and longed for was Luke. That's it. No pet unicorn or to be a princess. Just Luke. But now... I don't know what I want. Do I still want to be with Luke? Do I still wish to be the one he dreams of after all that has happened? And if I do, then what? This could all still be apart of some scheme. And even if it isn't, which society says it's okay for the bully to date his victim?
          I continued to have an internal argument with myself. A part of me wanted to run up to Luke and be like, "I've loved you since day one!" while Never Stop by Safety suit plays in the background. However,another part is like, "Run him over with the car the next time you see him!". The other part is just there. Not arguing but willing to agree with any side that wins. I took a deep breath. I have bigger things to worry about.

            "Dylan! When's the karaoke machine going to arrive tomorrow?"

            "Bright and early at eight." He said. "By the way, are you okay? You look so down."

             "I'm fine. Really." I smiled with all I had.

             "Whatever you say."


July 29,2016

      "Okay, guys. We have worked hard for this day and it's finally here. As you can see, the place is packed with 5SOS fans. Like, I was not expecting such a large fan base for you guys, as talented as you are." I said in the room filled with my colleagues. I was trying to get them in a good state of mind.

         "Is that a compliment?" Ashton said wriggling his eyebrows.

          "Think of it as you'd like." I giggled. Luke rolled his eyes and snorted.

          "Well thanks for the compliment." Luke said with disdain. 

          "Look at who the whore is now. Daphne moved from Dylan to Luke and now she's with Ashton." Miranda smirked. "I can't lie. I'm kind of shipping Dashton."

          "I'll have you know that unlike you, I can talk to a guy without thinking of him as a sex toy. But then again, Luke was different for you. He was the teddy bear with a built in vibrator. Someone you wanted to cuddle and hold through the night, right? Too bad he only wanted to smash." I smirked after saying the last word.

       "Like he didn't do that to you." She asked confidently.

       "I'm still a virgin, duh." I folded my hands over my chest. "If he was looking to smash, he would've had a better chance of smashing if he stayed home and played Smash Bros."

        "Um..." Allison spoke up. "The meeting."

        "Thanks, Allison. Anyways, you guys should just go out and do your best. Also remember to be friendly. Even if it hurts. We're doing this for 'The Splash Zone', guys. So... See ya!" I saw them all of them leave except for Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum.

         "Oh my God, guys. We actually have that many people who buy our merch!" Ashton said excitedly. 


Everything I Didn't Say///  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now