Chapter Fifteen

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July 2,2010
Where is Luke? He promised me that we'd go to the dance together but he's not here. Come to think of it, he hasn't spoken to me since the "Tree House Event". Is he still upset with me? But we've had arguments before and we're still best friends this one isn't any different,right?
I walked around the gymnasium looking for Luke but to no avail. Luke isn't like that. He wouldn't break our promise. Would he? Finally I spotted a head of familiar blonde hair.
"Luke!" I shouted. Luke seemed to not hear me. So I decided to walk over to him. On my way over to him I saw that his arm was linked with Miranda's.
"Luke!" I shouted again. This time he looked my way and turned back to Miranda. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was ignoring me.
"Luke, why aren't you talking to me?" I asked him when I reached beside him.
"Hey Miranda. I'm rather bored right now. You want to go somewhere else? " He just blew me off!
"Didn't you get the message? He doesn't want to talk to you." Miranda said. "Well don't you plan on moving? You're ruining our night. "
"I'm sorry, Luke." I ran out of the gymnasium with my head down and tears flowing from my eyes.
He went with someone else. I wasn't good enough. He went with someone else so that proves I wasn't good enough. I kept on reciting that over and over again. Hoping that I would feel better. I hate Luke! Yet I still care about him. How could he throw away all of our history? And that too for Miranda? I headed into the bathroom so that I could cry some more. Why did he do this to me?
"You want to what?" I asked Miranda.
"Oh come on it's just sex. I mean everyone has it." She said nonchalantly.
"Miranda, how old are you?"
"I'm fourteen..."
"Right. Why are you talking about sex right now? It's supposed to be done with the one you love."
"Luke you're only saying that because you haven't experienced it. It's amazing! Of course it hurts a bit at first but it's worth it. Because at the end you'll feel like you're on cloud nine."
"Will it help me forget people? Like someone who turned you down?"
"Well it should..."
"Fine. Let's do it."
I came out of the bathroom after a while of crying. I decided why should I feel horrible while he's out there having the time of his life? I should move on. That was what I was going to do before I heard strange sounds coming from behind the bleachers that I happened to be walking beside in order to get back to the gymnasium.
"Don't stop, Luke." I heard a girl moan.
"Luke?" I whispered. Should I check out what's going on?
I walked towards the sounds and saw, much to my dismay, Luke and Miranda engaging in activities so dirty I thought I had to put bleach in my eyes in order to make them clean again.
Before they could see me, I ran away. My chest felt tight and my throat started to burn. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, yet I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs just how much I don't care - just to prove that I care way more than anyone else.
I walked around the football field aimlessly. Until I found a secluded area. With no one around I broke down.
I screamed to relieve my anguish.
"I hate Luke! I hate him!" Then I looked up to the sky. My aunt always says that God answers prayers. So I got on my knees and started praying. "Hi there, God. The man upstairs. Um... I've never done this before and this is so weird honestly. I'm talking to someone I can't see. But anyways, hi, my name is Daphne. Um... I just saw my ex best friend/crush having sex with my enemy but other than that I'm doing good. I wish I had some bleach to drink but you know. Yeah. So, I was hoping that you'd just allow me to forget all of my memories associated with Luke. Or is that too much to ask? It is, isn't it? All right then can you at least take away some? Um... I guess this is good bye. Tell Jesus I said hi and um... Talk to you later."
I decided that I would try my best to numb the pain of losing Luke on my own. With my new found confidence, I headed to the gymnasium. That night I danced with all the boys who came to the dance alone to help them feel better. In the end I ended up having a good time - occasionally laughing at the jokes they would make. I can't believe that I didn't talk to them before. We'll probably never talk like this again. I caught a glimpse of Luke and Miranda going unto the dancefloor - Miranda was actually pulling Luke along.
It was the last slow dance of the night and everyone was pairing up.
"Hey D- Daphne?" Nicholas, the guy who won the science fair every time he entered, said to me. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying just because he's a nerd he automatically gets rejected by girls or that because he's a nerd he's automatically hideous. In fact, he was the complete opposite. He had shiny dark brown hair that was extremely curly,bright brown eyes and a shy smile to go with it. (Picture Chase from Zoey 101 only younger)

Everything I Didn't Say///  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now