Chapter Sixteen (Trigger Warning)

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July 15,2015
"Okay guys we're so close to our deadline are you excited?!" I exclaim. I was trying to energize the planning committee.
"Yes! I'm so stoked!" Riley said. "The amount of hot chicks that will be here."
"Of course that's why you're happy. " Allison might have rolled her eyes at Riley but I could see that she liked him.
"Anyways, Allison did you book All Time High or did you get Sleeping With Alarms?" I asked.
"I couldn't get any one of them. Bands are extremely busy this time."
"Um... Calum, Ashton, Micheal and I are in a band you know. " Luke said.
"Really? What's it called?" Allison asked.
"Five Seconds Of Summer."
"I've heard stuff about you guys." Riley admitted. "I just didn't know that 5SOS were you guys."
"So have I. I must admit that I have friends on social media sites who recommended me to listen to them. But I never did." I commented. "So you're saying that you guys are willing to perform?"
"Yeah totally. "
"For free?" I asked Luke.
"Yes Daph. We'll do it for free. "
"I will say this to you again Luke,please don't call me that. "
"Sorry. I just- can't we work this out?"
"Nope. I do not want to work anything out with you, Luke. Just make sure that your band is good and ready to rock." I looked away from Luke. "This meeting is adjourned guys. But remember this event will take place in just a matter of two weeks. That's directly fourteen days from now. OK bye guys. Oh and Dylan could you help me put the boxes in the storage room?"
"Yeah sure. Of course." Dylan replied. He pushed his glasses up more on his face.
"When did you start to wear glasses?" I asked.
"I've always needed them but I usually wear contacts. What, don't you like them?"
"No that's not it. I just think you look cute. That's all."
"Um. I could help you too, Daphne." Luke offered.
"Nope. It's fine. There are only a few boxes." Dylan spoke up. "We can handle it."
"I wasn't talking to you. So just keep your mouth shut." Luke snapped.
"He's right Luke. We can handle it." I said. "No need to get upset. Come on Dylan." I tugged on Dylan's sleeve.
How could she do that? She's acting like nothing happened between us. I've tried to apologize. I tried to play the nice ex but she keeps pushing me away. What can I do to make her see just how in love with her I really am?
"These are the boxes!" I said placing the second and last box in the storage room.
"I hate to admit it but Luke does have taste." Dylan said.
"In decorations at that, too. Isn't it kind of a shocker?"
"I meant in girls." Dylan pushed me up against the wall.
"What does that mean?" I asked struggling in his arms.
"It's obvious he's into you." Dylan's face leaned closer to mine. "But I like you just a bit more."
"Dyl-" I was cut off by his lips as he hungrily kissed me. I froze in shock. I don't want this! Dylan's supposed to be my friend!
He pulled away from me and the both of us gasped for air. He kissed my neck until he found my spot and sucked on it. I involuntarily moaned.
"Dylan. S-stop. We can't. I can't." He nibbled on that area causing me to moan again. "Please?"
"Daphne, I know you have a boyfriend but I just couldn't take it anymore. You just turn me on without even knowing. And I- I'm so sorry! I got carried away." He backed away from me. Then he ran a hand through his hair nervously. The lust that was once in his eyes were gone. "Please don't hate me."
"I don't hate you Dylan. But I'm kind of uneasy about what you just did. But you're still my friend. And just for the record, I don't have a boyfriend."
"What happened with Robert? "
"Um... Let's not talk about that. Let's just forget any of this happened and go back to being friends who work together. Deal?" I put my hand out for him to shake.
"Deal. " He said shaking my hand.
"Great then. Let's go. "
The day is done! Finally. I thought as I about to leave The Splash Zone. As much as I loved this place, working here was a bit of a hassle. From the people who complain about their food being too hot despite them saying that they want it straight from the pot, to kids who do the oddest things you can think of. I was on my way to the car because my aunt finally trusted me enough to lend me her car.
"When we used to come here, Luke and I never did things like that... " I immediately stopped myself after I realized I was about to think about Luke. "Stop it, Daphne. You don't need Luke. You can forget about him. Just forget. That's all."
"Easier said than done." A voice behind me spoke.
"What?" I turned around to come face to face with Luke.
"It's easier to say that you're going to forget me than actually forgetting me." He came closer to me.
"What do you know?"
"I know that trying to forget me is pointless."
"Why exactly do you care?"
"Daphne, you know why."
"No, I don't. I don't know why. So tell me Luke what were your motives? To fuck with me because I was dumb enough to fall into your stupid trap?" I pushed him away from me. "I hate you! I know I've said that already, but I've never meant it so much before. I hate you Luke Hemmings! I really, really, really, hate you."
I picked up the pace even though no one was in the parking lot,I feared anyone who over heard us. Tears fell from my eyes as tried my best to wipe them away. Just as I was about to open the car's door, I turned around only to have someone pin me to the car. Luke hovered over me with both of his hands blocking my exit.
"You don't mean that." He whispered. His hot breath touched my skin and caused my heart to beat rapidly.
"Yes I do." I said, trying to come off like I meant it. Really, I don't think I could ever fully hate Luke as much as I'd want to.
"No you don't. I know you don't." His piercing blue eyes stared into my very being.
"What makes you so sure of that?"
Luke's face came closer to mine but I couldn't get away. He was going to kiss me. Luke gave me a small peck on the lips just like 'Robert' or he did on our first date. I bit my lip to hide the fact that I had become a total mess on the inside. He rubbed his nose against mine, his gaze still intense and directed at my brown orbs. Looking away became an impossible task for me.
"Tell me you hate me now." Luke whispered.
"I - I -"
Luke kissed me again. The kiss started off as a slow and passionate one that I tried to not be apart of. Luke forced his tongue into my mouth and that was when I lost it. Grabbing the sides of his shirt, I kissed him back with a little force just as he pulled away from me. We both took a few deep breaths before joining our lips again. This time the kiss was faster and held more passion than the last.
"What's going on here?" A voice made us instantly move away from each other.
"Miranda, what are you doing here?!" Luke asked. "I told you to stop following me around."
"I think the real question is what are you doing here with her?!" Miranda shouted. "You could've done anything you wanted to do with me. Anything! Instead you chose her! Why her?! Huh?!"
"It's not what it looks like! She came on to me!" Luke said pushing me away.
"You seemed pretty into it." Miranda said. "But I should've known. You'd never like her. Isn't that right?"
"Firstly, don't forget that I broke it off with you. Secondly, you're right. I'd never like Daphne."
Tears threatened to fall from my eyes and my throat tightened. I can't believe him. I can't believe I believed him.
My throat burned and felt like I had ate ten chili peppers, but I wasn't going to break down right here. I slapped Luke straight in his face. Rolling my eyes, I opened the car door and went in. Then I rolled down my windows.
"Hey, are you guys gonna move or should I just run you over?" I asked and they both got out of my way.
I drove out of the parking lot and turned unto the highway. I was going to take the long way home. My tears blurred my vision as I drove. The passing cars just looked like moving paint blots. I know I should've pulled over but something got the best of me. I pressed the gas even more. Maybe I could kill myself right here, right now. Maybe...
There was this voice in my head that told me to do it but I couldn't. I took my foot off the gas pedal, but it was too late. The car in front of me had suddenly attempted to do a U turn. I tried to avoid the car by pressing the brakes but it still collided with me. It hit my car on my side resulting in my foot,somehow, getting stuck in between the crushed metal. Both of the cars came to a stop on opposite sides of the road. The man, about in his mid thirties, came from the car with a worried expression on his face.
"You ruined my wife's car! She's going to be so pissed!" He said when he walked up to the vehicle with me in it. "Well, what do you have to say to yourself?"
"I need an ambulance." I said trying to move my foot but it was obviously broken.
"For what?"
"You know if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut. Performing an illegal U turn that resulted in an accident isn't gonna go well in court."
"Do you know who I am?" The man asked.
"I don't know your name but I do know you're fucked if you don't get me to the hospital."
"I'm Percival Thornton. The guy who owns Mega - Plush."
"Um... Sir? No offense but does it look like I care?"
"You're one rude young lady!"
"I'm not usually this outspoken. But I can't exactly play the hypocrite when I'm in the worst pain I can imagine!" I screamed as my foot came loose. I looked down at it. Definitely broken.
I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance ignoring the man ranting. I told the person who answered my problem and in a few minutes an ambulance came to my rescue. The man continued to rant until I was placed in the ambulance.
Hope you guys liked it!!!

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