Chapter Four

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Harry’s POV

    Me: Louis, I’m freaking out.

    Louis: What’s wrong mate?

    Me: Chloe.

    Louis: Ugh I don’t wanna hear any more about her. She’s all you ever talk about.

    Me: No Louis, she’s here.

    Louis: Oh my god! She’s bloody here!! Well you’ve gotta give her your number or something. This could be your big chance.

    Me: I know, I know.

Liam’s POV

    Anna was getting farther and farther up the line. I started breathing fast, and Niall touched my shoulder.

    Niall: You’ll be fine. Just be yourself.

    I nodded just as Anna walked up.

    Anna: Hi!

    She put her hair behind her ear nervously.

    Anna: Uh, can I, uh... Have a hug? I’ve kinda always wanted to meet you.

    I felt my face light up and since I was at the end of the table, I got up and walked over to her. Once I had my arms around her, I whispered in her ear.

    Me: I’ve kinda always wanted to meet you too.

    She pushed away, and at first I thought I had scared her away, but her face told me different. She had the biggest smile I’ve ever seen and her cheeks were bright red.

    Anna: So, uh...

    Me: Oh yeah!

    I ran over to the other side of the table and scribbled on a piece of paper.

    Me: Here, call me in the morning-or whenever.

    Anna: Oh... Oh my gosh thank you!

    She put her hair behind her ear again and studied the piece of paper.

    Anna: Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow! Bye.

    Me: Bye!

    I looked down at the other boys when I realized no one was coming down the line for autographs. I noticed they were all holding up the line since they were all talking with one specific girl. I wondered if all of their princesses were here too?

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