Chapter Twenty-six

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Niall’s POV

    I was sound asleep in my flat when there was an urgent knocking on my front door. I slowly got up from my bed and trudged to the door. I opened the door and saw Liam standing, there looking like he just got run over by a bus.

    Me: Liam... What happened?

    Liam: Long story... Uh, I’m gonna need you to take me to the hospital.

    I saw blood trickle down the side of his face.

    Liam: But first, I need to use your phone.

    He walked passed me and into my flat, grabbing my phone off the table and started dialing a number. He put the phone to his ear and looked at me like he was expecting something.

    Liam: Get dressed.

    I ran to my bedroom and pulled on some clothes while Liam talked on the phone.

Anna’s POV

    Me: Hold on, I’m getting another call.

    I switched lines.

    Me: Hello?

    Liam: Anna I’m so sorry!

    Me: Liam! I thought you’d... Left.

    Liam: No, the wedding is still on... If you’re not too mad at me.

    Me: Of course not! I’ll call the wedding place and tell them the wedding’s back on! But what happened? Why did Jim call me and tell me you left?

    Liam: It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. I’m coming to America as soon as the concert is over tomorrow, along with the other lads.

    Me: Okay, I can’t wait to see you!

    Liam: I love you.

    Me: I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.   

    I hung up and immediately called the wedding place to get our reservations back while messaging Chloe, Emilia, and Sarah the news on Facebook.


Liam’s POV

    Niall and I were in his car and heading to the hospital.

    Niall: So... Can I ask what happened?

    Me: Well, I went to Modest to get the tapes that directioners sent in, and Jim got in my way. I didn’t want to get into any trouble with him, so I tried to hold back from fighting against him, but if I had waited any longer, he could’ve killed me. Hopefully the police will believe I was just protecting myself.

    I started coughing from talking so much. It was becoming quite hard to breathe.

    Niall: Are you okay?

    Me: Yeah, I just have a few broken ribs and it’s a little hard to breathe.

    I saw Niall roll his eyes. This isn’t the first time this has happened.

    We finally arrived at the hospital and Niall started to follow me inside. I looked back at him.

    Me: You can go home. I just needed a ride. I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.

    Niall: No, I think I’ll stay here with you. Just in case.

    I turned around and kept walking toward the door.

    Me: Suit yourself.

    I got a room right away since I was so beat up. They put an IV into my arm and hooked me up to the heart rate machine. I’m not sure why though. I could tell them that I wasn’t about to die.

    A few hours passed and I just flipped through the channels on the TV the room came with. Niall was asleep in the waiting chair. A nurse knocked on my door and entered slowly, but still waking Niall.

    Nurse: We’re going to take you to the x-ray room now that it’s morning and it’s open. Sorry it was such a long wait.

    I nodded my head and climbed out of the hospital bed, following the nurse down a long hallway and into another room.

    After getting the x-rays, I found out that I had three cracked ribs, a broken nose,  and a fractured wrist. The nurse also told me that I would need around thirty stitches on the side of my face.

    The nurse wheeled me back into my room and I immediately noticed that Niall wasn’t there. I didn’t want him to have to stay here with me when he could be at home, but I really didn’t think that’s where he was.

    Me: Nurse?

    Nurse: Yes?

    Me: Can you just ask at the front desk if a Niall Horan was there? Short, blond, Irish.

    Nurse: Of course.

    She walked out and I grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. I flipped through a few channels, but quickly fell asleep.

Louis POV

    Now that Anna’s wedding is off, when am I going to ask Emilia to marry me? I looked up some cute ways online to try and think of something, but nothing sounded particularly amazing to me. I sighed to myself. I saw my phone light up on the couch next to me.

    *Receive from Anna*

    Anna: It was a false alarm! The wedding’s back on!

    I was immediately flooded with relief.

    *Send to Anna*

    Me: That’s great! See you later today!

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