Matt- You have a baby

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It was late one night when you felt the sharp pain. You shook Matt awake and looked at him before he sprang into action, tripping just 3 times trying to get dressed. He grabbed your overnight bag before grabbing you and putting you in the car. He jumped in, started it and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

"My wife's having a baby." He said hurriedly to the woman at the front desk.

"We will take her from her, fill this out." She replied giving him a form. He sat down in the waiting area, filled out the form and was playing on his phone when one of the nurses called his name. He arrived at the room and burst through the doors with a childish look of excitement on his face, causing you to giggle. He smiled and took his place next to you and held out his hand. You grabbed it and squeezed hard causing him to grimace in pain. The baby was out soon after and you were waiting on the nurses that would come back with your baby. You held him for a while and then they let you go home. While you held your son Matt got the bag packed.

"Let's go." He said leading you to the car. When you got home you collapsed on the couch while Matt took care of your son. You found Matt in the laundry room cleaning the baby with baby wipes. That night you laid in bed thinking of names. Matt wanted Matthew, but you said no and you eventually decided on Brandon. 

Magcon and O2l imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now