Nash- you find out your pregnant

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Finding out you were pregnant was one of the best things that ever happened to you. You remember sitting in you bathroom after you had felt horrible all day and just to be safe you had went to the small store that sold pregnancy tests and medicine. So there you were sitting in your bathroom secretly hoping that you were pregnant, but still doubtful because even you were sure it was Nash's you were scared that you couldn't take care of the baby. You looked at the little red mark on the test indicating that you were positive. Nash was coming home later that night  so you spent forever coming up with ideas about how you would tell him. You finally decided to go shopping and buy baby food, baby bib, baby bottle, and diapers. You called Nash and told him that you had a special dinner planned and to come home soon. You opened all the cans of baby food and arranged them on a plate. You placed the diapers around the places you knew he would walk to get to the kitchen. The baby bib was placed on his chair, and finally the baby bottle which you took special care with. You had put the test in the bottle and arranged it so that when he sat down he would see it when he sat down.

"Hey babe." He said when he had come into the house and kissed you in the doorway

"Dinners ready." You said leading him into the kitchen.

"What is this Y/N?" He asked indicating the baby stuff around his plate and the normal stuff around your plate.

"Why do I have to eat baby food? What's in the bottle? I can't drink if there's something in the thing that I'm supposed to drink out of." Nash said sitting down after picking up the bib. He examined the bottle a bit closer and picked it up so he could read what it said. Realization dawned on his face and he slowly got up and walked over to you. You stood up so you were face to face, and he hugged you so tight that you couldn't breathe.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He shouted excitedly into your ear showing he was clearly exited. You thought both of you were ready for this next step in your relationship, because you had gotten married over a year ago.

"It's mine right Y/N?" Nash asked being completely serious.

"Of course its yours Nash. You don't have to worry about that at all. I love you and I'm ready to take this next step in our relationship." You said patting his chest and kissing his cheek.

"I'm ready to. I love you so much it  hurts." Nash replied his voice muffled because he buried his head on your neck while loosely wrapping his arms around you.

"So you want to go through with it?" You asked hope clear in your voice.

"Of course I do." Nash lifted his head up at your comment.

"Its just with you working all the time, and your boss won't let you come earlier than 7. I feel like I'll be raising the baby by myself." You explained watching as Nash's face dropped.

"Then I'll look for a new job." He decided looking at different jobs with the company he was working for YouTube. He found one and applied and quit his old job and ended up getting the other job. He explained that you were pregnant so they came him as much time off as he needed.

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