Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in class trying to figure out why the hell im still here. I can't come up with a good enough reason so I ask the teacher to go to the bathroom. The same rush sneaking out of school used to give me was gone now. Ditching was a habit.

I make a pit stop for my locker and get my stuff and head to the bathroom where I sneak out the window. Once I'm out I make my way to the book store the place I go every day because there I can actually be at peace and not have to worry if someone will call me a slut it push me into a locker.

I put my head phones in and listen to some Fleetwood Mac. I listen to mainly punk rock but I just can't resist Stevie nicks voice. I let my face fall into its normal bitchy scowl incase anybody tries to talk to me. God how I absolutely hate people.

I sing along to the music. I can sing pretty well but only by myself. I reach the book store and head for the back of the store. I sit in my "special chair" and grab the book that I tucked away in the bottom of the shelf I keep it there because unfortunately I don't have enough money to buy it but me and the owner are buddies and he lets me read it here.

I keep my headphones in and play sliver by nirvana. One of my favorite songs. After about 15 minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder and cringe I hate it when people touch me. "Look asshole don't fucking touch me or I will wrap these headphones around your neck and strangle you!" I say turning around.

I expected to see some one annoying and irritating but I see a boy kinda tall, blue hair,lip ring,and a green day shirt. "Woah slow down there" he says "I'm sorry for tapping you but um..there's some dumb rule where you can't read a book with out buying it so..?..". "So what?" I say annoyance flooding my voice "Um are you gonna buy anything?" He asks.

I ignore him and make my way to the back where the owners office is. "Ahem!" I say loudly "ohh Lea! What a surprise!" He says going to give me a hug, I hug him back. I know I said I hate people and shit but I have known him for like 10 years so."hey " I said "how are ya?" He asks with his thick southern accent.

He asked "I'm fine" I laughed in my head funny how I always say that but I'm not. Then the jerk that tapped me stands in the door way with his hands shoved in his pocket "look this guy here says I can't read unless I buy, can you please explain to him how it works?".

"Oh Tom, Tom, Tom this here is my little Lea she is like the daughter I never had. I told her she is allowed to read and not buy for reasons I'm not in the mood to explain" I looked down in embarrassment. Not for me, bit for this Tom guy. "Oh, okay" Tom said. "Alrighty now you two kids get on out of here so I can finish up this paper work okay?".

"Yes sir" Tom and I said at the same time. I made my way to my special place and resumed reading. I don't know why but I kept on stealing quick glances at him as he began to fix the books on the shelves. He finished the front and came to where I was at. "Hey I wanted to kinda say sorry, for acting like a little bitch awhile ago"I apologized."It's okay I didn't know that 'unspoken rule' of yours" I laughed a little and put my headphones in and started listening to Sum-41.

I looked up at Tom again and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing it's just-never mind". "No don't never mind me what?" I said "it's just that I could here the music from your headphones and I recognized Sum so I was a little surprised is all". "Surprised at what?"I asked getting irritated. "Well," he began walking over to me "I just expected you to listen to like mainstream pop shit I guess" he said shrugging "Are you fucking kidding me?" I said standing up "First of fucking all! Mainstream 'music' is for pussy ass conformists who don't know shit about individuality and think keeping up with the latest trends should be a way of life! That is not me at all And I'm taking that offensively" He stared at me with wide eyes.

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