Chapter 9

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                          Leas POV
"LEA LEA!" I heard someone yelling my name. "What??" I said annoyed. "Babe we slept in I gotta get you to school!" Tom said running around his room. "Fuck!" I jolted awake. "Here I have an extra tooth brush" he said handing it to me. "Thank you!" I said running into his bathroom. The clock read 8:10 I'm late.

My hair was a mess and I tried my best to make it look decent. I finished frantically brushing my teeth. "Fuck fuck fuck" I said over and over again. I looked like a wreck I haven't taken a shower I don't have extra clothes to change in to, and worst of all...I had a hangover. My head was pounding and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

Wait a minute...I ran back into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I felt tom  hold my hair and rub my back as every ounce of liquor spurred out of me at lighting speed. "It's okay babe" he said. I finished and rinsed my mouth out. "Ugh I'm never gonna drink again" I said getting my shoes on. He laughed "that's what they all say" he said tying his shoes. "Shut up" I said.

"You want some Tylenol or something?" He asked. "Please" I said rubbing my temples. He left to go get it. This was not exactly what I had in mind for this morning. "Here" he said handing me the pills and a cup of water. I finished and set the cup down. He stood in front of me holding my hands. "I feel like shit" I said. "What happened last night?" He asked.

"I don't even remember" I tried hard to think but I was only getting little flashes. "Okay we gotta go" he said. I got up and trudged to the door. "Here your gonna need these" he said handing me a pair of black glasses. "What wh-" I stepped out side and the sun became a ball of pain. "AHHH fuck!" I said putting the glasses on. "Oh my god my eyes" I said getting the car.

We drove in silence I didn't want to talk my head hurt so bad. He was rubbing tiny circles in my thigh. "We're here" he said after like 5 minutes. "That was quick" I said getting out of the car. "Fucking sun" I muttered under my breath. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and kiss " I love you " I said into his chest. "I love you more" he replied.

"Okay I gotta go" I said hurrying away. "I'm gonna pick you up at 3 'Kay?" He called. I turned around and gave him two thumbs up and went inside. Immediately people came over to me.
"Wait  was that Tom DeLonge?" A girl asked me. "Yea why?" I asked trying to get away. "Wait are you his girlfriend?" People asked me. "Does it matter" I said going to my locker. "No it's just- well he's like super rad and so your dating him and I guess that makes you rad too in a way" a guy explained to me.

I walked away and headed to my class. That was weird.I sat down in my seat his glasses still on me. Just then a boy walked in to the class. "Uh is this English?" He said to the teacher "ah yes you must be Mr.Fuentes correct?" He asked taking his hall pass. "Yea" he said quietly. I looked at him he had a panic! At the disco shirt ripped skinny jeans a flannel and a snap back  on back wards.

"Go ahead and take a seat next to Lea, uh- Lea wave your hand" I waved it and went back to scribbling into the desk. He walked over and sat down next to me. I heard girls make weird sounds at him. I guess they thought he was hot. "So what's your name- oh wait it's Lea" he said shyly and embarrassed.  I laughed. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Vic-Vic Fuentes" he said stretching his hand out. I shook it. "Nice to meet you Vic" I said. I looked back at my desk and continued to engrave my initials in the old wood of my desk. After about 20 minutes the bell went off. "Hey can you show me where the science room is?" Vic asked. "Oh I have science next too follow me" I said. We walked out to science.

We passed those bitches that beat me up. I flipped them off and kept walking. "Why did you flip them off?" Vic asked. "Because they are bitches and they beat me up and I hate them" he turned around and flipped them off with off with both hands. I laughed "come on" I said pulling him to science. "Are you the new student?" Our teacher asked. "Yea" he said looking at the floor.

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