Chapter 8

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I woke up to my alarm blaring the sounds of sadness. Time for school.
I got up slowly and trudged my way to the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water made me even more tired and I almost fell asleep 3 times.

I got out and wore some leggings and a bandtee. I brushed my teeth and hair and went downstairs to my hectic mom frantically searching for her keys I spotted them when I opened the fridge for some milk. "Here you go" I said handing them to her. "Oh thank you you're a lifesaver, okay bye sweetie see you when I come home from work".

And she hurried out the door. "Bye" I muttered to no one. I ate a bowl of cereal and put my plate in the dishwasher. I grabbed my bag and went to hell.

As soon as I got in everybody was loud and I hated it ,its Monday morning dumb fucks shut up!! I made my way to locker and put in my combo.
"Hey it's everybody's favorite emo slut" some one said whilst shoving me very hard into the locker. I turned around to see Jennifer and her 2 friends Becca and Kaylie. They are what you call the popular kids, the ones whose rich parents buy them new mustangs every birthday and take fancy vacations in Cancun. I rolled my eyes "just leave me alone" I said shifting awkwardly. (Social interaction isn't my strong suit) "Excuse  me?! Did I say you could talk to me?" She spat harshly. I was gonna respond when she cut me off "NO didn't think so, anyways how's life you still cut yourself? You should, I wish nobody told on you for that because maybe you would be dead by now, such a shame not everybody can get what they want".

"Oh please like you would know what not getting what you want even feels like you spoiled bitch!" I shouted. I noticed the loudness died down a bit and most people had their attention on us. "Excuse me?!" She said stepping up to me. "You heard me" I shouted my face red with rage. She pushed me down and kicked me in my stomach like 10 times. I tried to get up but and fight back but her stupid friends kept punching and pushing me back down.

Almost every kid in the school was watching with their phones recording I could hear shouting and they were cheering her on. I guess she thought I had enough when I gave up trying to get back up and fight I was seeing huge black dots and my head was spinning and I could feel blood from various places. She crouched down to my level and whispered in my ear.

"All you will ever be is just a stupid emo slut no one will ever  love you you're worthless and ugly and let's not forget to mention fat and just down right repulsive! I hope you die a horrible painful death and I hope you never live be 20" she kicked me one last time and hurried off to class.

I was crying and wiping the blood and tears from my face. I managed to hobble over to the bathroom and clean myself up a bit.

I pulled my shirt off to examine the bruises "God damn" I muttered. I still couldn't see well and was in a world of pain and my head was throbbing terribly. I wet a paper towel and cleaned the blood off my face revealing multiple scratches and cuts, bruises I had a cut in my head because it was bleeding. My stomach area was bruised and bloody and I did my best to clean it up. I put my hair in a pony tail so the blood that was slowly still coming out of my head wouldn't be  noticeable.

I did think of going to the nurse but all she would do is give me an ice pack and call my mom, and my mom would see this as me just getting into trouble again. I gathered myself together the best I could and went to my first period.

As soon as I walked into English everybody began howling with laughter. Calling me names and saying that she should have killed me out there. The teacher got angry and yelled at them and told them to be quiet. I took my seat in the back of the class trying to ignore the stares and snickers and whispers such as "damn she fucked her ass up" followed by "that's what she gets", or "that was the funniest fight I ever seen did you see those punches!"

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