Jodha's Diary : Part 1

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  Hello everyone. I have tried my hand at writing something and I hope you'll like it. Please do comment. 

 Dear diary,

This is Jodha, the eldest Rajkumari of Amer. From here on, I'll be sharing with you all the little secrets of mine. I will share with you all the big small moments of my life on a daily basis.

Today, I did something which did not please my Maasa and Baapusa. I was running behind an injured pigeon to save it. While doing so, I crossed the boundaries of the palace without my pallu and with all the men there. Baapusa was quite angry with me. But it wasn't my fault na, was it?Anyways, I pacified Baapusa with the best of my arguments. Afterall, I have no competition when it comes to verbal battles.

Oh! I forgot to mention it dear diary, tomorrow is my 17th birthday. And I am super excited for it. There will be the tuladan ceremony and Baapusa has organized a grand celebration too. Moreover, I have planned to ask Baapusa to allow me to go to the Kaali Maa temple near the Amer border. As its my birthday, he'll have to oblige to everything I say. I'll somehow convince him.

But diary, I am doubtful if Sukanya would ever give me something on my birthday. I took one of her chunaris by mistake, and she is quite angry with me. She gets too cranky in these matters. I love her a lot but still, sometimes she really gets on my nerves. I mean, she should learn some some sharing na.

Anyways... I hope everything will be fine tomorrow. I have a lot to do, dear diary, and so, bid farewell to you till tomorrow.


Thanks for reading.

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