Part 8 : The Shaahi Shaadi

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Aaah, Marriage! The greatest occasion in one's life. It is a day full of joy, festivities, lights, color, blessings, and happiness all over. And dear diary, look at my own. I feel like laughing at my own self.

You know what, Maasa got me the most gorgeous wedding dress you could dream of. My, my, it is sooo beautiful. It is mostly the color of fire, and has the famous Rajasthani kadhaai on the heavy borders. Just the way I like it. It even raised my mood a bit, the moment I saw it.

But one look at the mirror after getting ready, and I was back to square one. Everything looked fine...except... Except my dull face. The royalty and shimmer of my dress and jewelry did not match with my dim face. This get-up would suit a shy, glowing bride, to which I was an exact opposite. The mirror seemed to laugh at me. I could not bear looking at it. As I turned my back towards the mirror, there was only one thought roaming in my mind... All because of him.

As I was taken into the main hall, where all the guests were seated along with HIM, I gazed around for a quick look. Most of those present looked like Agra waasis. And then I saw HIM. He had a sehra around his head, which allowed only a partial view of his face. Well, who even wanted to look at him? And My God! He still had that smirk intact. God...does he even know a different expression? I have never seen him without that stupid smirk of his. I quickly lowered my gaze... a better view is the palace's floor.

A man from his side was asked to do my aarti. It seems he was his elder brother. But he seemed least interested in the aarti. In fact he did it so lazily that it seemed the aarti ki thaal would fall off his hand any moment. Seriously speaking... I was about to giggle. But then I remembered, wait... it's my own wedding. I shouldn't laugh right?

Next came his mother, Jalal's foster – mother, Maham Anga ji. Now this lady seems something to me. A bit extra – ordinary, you know? She had brought a taaveez for me, and tied it as part of some rasm of theirs.

Now dear diary, she has a very weird personality, I tell you. She chanted something like the new bride shouldn't have any bad omens around her and all. But the moment I looked up at her, I was like, " You're only attracting all the bad omens. " Seriously, diary. She looked sooo scary, that I was taken aback for a moment. Her big, black eyes, with a ton of kajal in them, should undoubtedly be given the most scary eyes award! And this, with all due respect to her.

Okay diary, so I know you're confused by now. Just a moment ago I as serious as you are, and now am all cracking jokes! What to do, dear, old habits hardly change!

Then we were taken to the actual wedding mandap. Well, to be precise, only I was taken by a whole gang of little girls, he came there all alone.

The priest started off by asking us our ancestral family details. And you know what happened? Maham Anga Ji again started something stupid. She started showing off about how deep the roots of Jalal are in Hindustan! C'mon, who's asking? How can one be sooo showy? And my to-be hubby seemed much impressed with this sudden taareef.

Then we had to pour the tulsi water into the sacred hawan kund. And for that, I had to give my hand into his. The moment he heard that, that smirk of his was back in its full form. God... it never ever changes.

I wanted t run away from there. Chheee... my hand into his? I had to seriously concentrate all my strength to even move my hand an inch towards his. And what a devil! He seemed to be enjoying my troubles. Well, I should've guessed that.

And with a lot and lot of strength, I finally took my hand near his. But as soon as it brushed against his, it automatically retreated back. I swear diary, it was an involuntary action. There was a sudden spark in the touch which forced my hand away.

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