Jodha's Diary : Part 3

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  Hey folks,

I am back with the 3rd part of Jodha's Diary. Hope you like it. Please do comment after reading.

Dear Diary,

I am not in a mood to make a diary entry today. Still, I don't want to break a sequence I have been following since long. Something drastic happened today, as if yesterday's incident was not enough. Let me brief you on today's happenings.

Today, Baapusa had organized a meeting to announce the next heir of Amer. I had full hope that it will definitely be Sujamal Bhaisa. I mean, just think about it diary, he is the most deserving one. In terms of wit, diplomacy as well as bravery, he has absolutely no match. Moreover, he is also the rightful owner of the throne of Amer. I don't know what made Baapusa take an unjust decision. He gave the throne to Bhagwandas Bhaisa. Not once did he think about Sujamal Bhaisa. I can't believe that he actually did that. I mean, I know that Bhagwandas Bhaisa is also very capable, but there is something called justice too. The throne belongs to Sujamal Bhaisa and shall definitely go to him.

The worst was to follow. Sujamal Bhaisa was quite shocked and angry at this. He must have felt dejected. And why not, his rightful throne had been snatched away from him. He unsheathed his sword in the court and asked Baapusa the reason of this deceit. The guards were ordered to catch him. I am appalled at Baapusa's actions today. I don't find anything wrong in Sujamal Bhaisa's actions, rather, I fully agree with him. I met him when he was being chased by the soldiers. I can't see him leaving like this, diary. He is the one who understands me the most. I begged him to stop...but he promised me to meet soon, and went away. I just could cry at this.

I then went to Baapusa to ask him the reason of all this. He never gave me a convincing answer. I told him that the throne belonged to Sujamal Bhaisa and should rightfully be his. But, he just told me that Sujamal was a traitor and we have no relations with him. Really? It was he who had cheated and not Bhaisa. How could I just forget Sujamal Bhaisa...a person I had grown up with?

Diary, I have to go now. Many princes and kings have been invited for the Gangaur festival and I have to be there too. I shall come again at night to tell you about that.


Hey diary,

I am back. There is a lot to tell you at the moment. Let me begin.

Firstly, I was not going to come to the celebrations. And you know why. But Maasa forced me to go. She even made me wear the best of my clothes and jewellery. Uff...She is irritating at times. I hope she doesn't read this. She herself made me get ready and dragged me to the balcony. She told me to look at all the kings and princes coming and choose one for myself. Now what the hell is this! I mean, I am not going to choose my husband, just on the basis of looks na. Let me tell you dear diary, I'll marry only that braveheart who has the courage to bring me that Jallad's sar. ( I hope you remember him. ) Still, not interested, I stood there. Sukanya and Shivani were already there, watching the entrants enthusiastically. How cute!

Suddenly, Sukanya's necklace broke and fell down. She and Shivani moved away from the balcony. I was still standing there, looking down. The necklace had fell on the horse of a young prince. He looked up and saw me. Maybe he thought the necklace to be mine. Well, I don't know him...but I must say he looked...good...or you can say...quite smart...and...also...charming. I mean to say he was quite good-looking. Nothing special, just the way royal princes are. Or maybe, a bit ( just a bit ) better than the rest. Just then, I was called by Maasa and I went back. Later, I came to know that the young man was Raja Suryabhan Singh, prince of Bhangarh.

Later, I, Shivani and Sukanya were having a chat. Sukanya was telling me about all sorts of princes she saw in the festival. usual not interested. Suddenly, she said..."You know what Jiji, there was one youg man I simply loved." My years perked up at that. So finally, my lil sis has a crush. I asked her about that and she blushed.She looks cute with that shade of red...I thought. She told me that it was none other than Suryabhan Singh. this man has a lot of admirers already. Good going, young man...I thought. Shivani and Sukanya kept chatting. But I was in deep thinking. He looks quite good...diary. But, my sis likes him too. He would look good with her...right diary?? Waise bhi...I don't want a charming young man as my companion...I want a braveheart, who has the might to bring that Jallad's sar.

Talking of him, I remembered something. Today, during the pooja, I asked Ma Bhawani to fulfill this wish of mine. Maasa got angry at this. She said that Ma Saraswati resides on our tongue once in a day, and I shouldn't take my enemy's name during pooja. I told Moti that if, what Maasa says is true, then I sincerely wish that Saraswati Ma resides on my tongue...and I get a chance to bring down that Jallad's sar. She told me that had I been thinking so much about someone other than Jalal, I would be having my own love story by now.But diary, I don't want a fairy tale love story. I don't want my love story to be written in golden letters on the pages of History. I want to be the reason of a drastic change in Jalal's life, diary. I want history to remember me as a person who changed the fate of changing the life of the Shehenshah of the Mughal Sultanate.


Thats it. Thanks. :)

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