Jodha's Diary : Part 10

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Hi Diary!

How do you like Agra by the way? Just the first day, and it already feels like some other world to me. Not to mention it has strange people around, too.

You know what, I came across some hot-headed Begum of Jalal today.

And I tell you, what a unique piece she is!

Firstly, she has a serious eye problem, for she couldn't see a group of people running towards her. Next, she was glaring at me as if I was some sort of an alien. ( Though I was looking at her pretty much the same way. But you can't deny that she did look like an alien, can you?) Moreover, she has a huge attitude problem to take care of! And lastly, she has some IQ defects too. So overall, a lot to deal with.

I know, you think I am being too mean with her, right? But trust me diary, you would have had the same opinion had you met her once!

She actually thought I agreed to be her slave just because I picked up her necklace from the ground! Now, isn't this something only a totally absent-minded or day-dreaming person can think of? Looks like she never even bothered to pick her own things herself.

And to top it all, she actually said that I was the one who wasn't taught what the reality is. It seems for her reality is that ALL in the palace are her slaves. Well, I did give her a tiny little reality check, to which all she did was once again give me a stare! Okay, what more could the shocked soul manage at that point?

Now with such sorts of people around, it's hardly a wonder Jalal is who he is.


As if one display of Agra's strangeness wasn't enough, Maham Anga came up with another awesome one!

You know, I found her shouting on a group of Baandis in the palace. And my God, she looked so damn scary...with those kohl filled eyes of hers! Poor Baandis... wonder how they even bear with so many scary and strange creatures around... As for Maham, I think she has such a deep-rooted habit of shouting and being scary, she must be doing so even at normal occasions.

But this isn't what I was talking about. There was more to Maham's display of Agra-ness.

She had come to my room to complete all the formalities she had been assigned. That's when Ammijaan came in, and Maham was all up in arms against me.

Now as Ammijaan stood gazing at my Kanha's idol, she began very casually about how I had put some conditions in front of Jalal.

It was then that I realized that the artificial smile that she had put up on her face doesn't suit her one bit. And she looked rather funny to me, smiling unnecessarily.

And you know what, Ammijaan simply called it an amazing decision of Jalal and nothing else - something which did surprise me a bit.

But the next moment my eyes were on Maham, who seemed a bit disturbed by the fact that her plan hadn't worked. I couldn't help a slight smile dancing at the corner of my lips.

It seemed Maham wasn't in a mood to leave my room very soon, for she stopped in her tracks again. This time she was staring at the gift one of Ammijaan's baandis was holding.

That instant, I knew what was coming.

She quickly started with her rants on how I don't accept such gifts and blah blah.

Though Ammijaan kept listening quietly at first, when she did speak, she rocked!!! Maham was absolutely speechless after this, and left.

I was more than happy to see her leave.

And diary, Ammijaan is so, so sweet. Firstly she handled Maham so well, and even gave me a beautiful Rajasthani joda to wear tonight. She doesn't seem an Agra-waasi one bit. She's a total contrast to all the attitude patients here!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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