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I sit in silence watching the rain patter down on the window pain next to me, smiling as I see couples run around in the rain screaming and laughing.

"Do you want me to leave?"

I turn to see Peej looking at me, his usual smile was no longer on his face as he looks at me with a serious expression. I take a proper look at the boy in front on me, looking into his eyes, trying to read what he was feeling, but for the first time in years, he's not letting me in.

"Of course not, Peej. What would make you think that?"

"I don't know," He says, quietly.

"Peej, I never want you to leave. Now or at any point, this table or my life. I love you, Pj Liguori. You're my best friend. I would do anything to keep it that way. I will support you in everything, just like I always did. When your parents kicked you out for being gay, who supported you and helped find your own house? When you went into your deep depression, who pulled you out? When you finally admitted to being evicted, who without giving it a second thought let you straight into their home?"


"Exactly. I'm not saying this to boast, I'm saying it to tell you I was and always am here for you. No matter what obstacles life puts in front of you, I will be the one to help you across them because I know how much you hate exercise."

Pj chuckles and shakes his head. I lean over the table and wipe away the tears that were slowly falling down my best friends face before leaning back, taking his hand in my own and gently rubbing circles on it, something in which I know calms him down. I look in his eyes, brown against green and then I do something that I would say was a reason I am a total fail, I inappropriately decided to wink at him.

Peej just bursts out laughing, his entire face lit up while he laughed and smiled and his eyes even contained a certain sparkle that is reserved for when he was really happy. Soon I find the humour of it too and instead of continuing to be mortified, I laugh along with him. A real throw your head back laugh.

"Seriously, Dan? That was such a meaningful speech and all!"

"Yes, me pointing out that you don't exercise is so heart warming!"

"It was the truth so obviously!"

"Peej! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wink at you!"

We both just stare at each other in silence, before bursting out laughing. This time, we were laughing that hard that there was no noise. We were left there clapping our hands looking like a retarded seal. It was in this time we hear someone clear their throat.

Me and Peej both turn at the same time, shoulders still shaking from the laughter and we was welcomed to the ever welcome sight of Phil Lester... and his boyfriend.

"H-hey, P-phil!" I manage to say, choking on my words as I try to calm my laughing.

"Hey... are we intruding anything?" He asks, looking back and forth from me and Peej.

Me and Pj look at each other again... obviously you can guess what happened next.

"Should we come back another time?" Phil asks and I immediately sober up.

"No! It's just that... IinappropriatelywinkedatPeejaftermakingameaningfulspeech." I rush out.

"What?" Phil asks, looking amused but still slightly confused.

I sigh. "I inappropriately winked at Pj after making a meaningful speech."

Phil and his tag along- I mean, boyfriend, laugh slightly at this and all I could offer was a tight smile.

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