Chapter 7

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[A/N] Hey guys! Sophie here. WE ADVANCED IN THE 1DBROMANCEAWARDS! Wooooooo! So did Elsie's story! Wooooo! Excitement all around. And as of today, Elsie and I are officially signed up for college. Kind meh about that one BUT STILL. TIME TO PARTY. LET'S GET THIS CHAPTER A STARTED! It's dedicated to SydneyB61398 for making us the thing in the multimedia.

"There's so many of them," Louis whispered in somewhat amazement. "I've never seen so many."

"You've only ever seen me," Harry smirked.

"That's not the point," Louis waved him off. "And none of them look like trench demons."

"What even is a trench demon?"

"Nasty, ugly things that live in the depths of the trenches under water. They're quite rude."

"Fair enough," Harry nodded as he gestured to the beach. "C'mon. Let's go to my uncle's, it's cool there."

Louis nodded and began walking alongside Harry. He started to stumble but Harry quickly grabbed his arm and Louis steadied himself. The older lad smiled gratefully to Harry and he gripped Harry's hand so he wouldn't fall again. Harry found himself smiling at the way Louis' much smaller hand fit into his larger ones as the continued to weave through the array of people. 

"So... houses..." Louis began. 

"You know what they are, right?" Harry looked to Louis in surprise. 

"Yes, of course," he chuckled. "We've got houses... they just look much different." 

"Well my Uncle Paul's has a baitshop in the basement of it, so-"

"Basement?" Louis looked confused. 

"Oh, it's like... the lower part of a house. S'where my uncle sells his fishing supplies and such." 

"Fishing?" Louis now seemed bewildered. "I think I've heard of these things but I just..."

"You've got quite a bit to learn," Harry chuckled. 

"Then teach me!" Louis pleaded, stumbling even more as their feet reached the grass,

"Okay, okay," Harry soothed, steadying the boy again as they climbed the hill. "It's how we catch the fish to eat... that's fishing. In order to catch the fish, we need bait... like, fish food and stuff. So that the fish will try and eat it and end up getting hooked." 

"Hooks?" Louis gasped. "Those horrible sharp objects that poke you or get stuck in your tail or-" 

"Lou!" Harry soothed. "Hooks aren't bad if you know how to use them." 

"Nope," he disagreed. "They're all bad, and I hate them." 

"Alright," Harry murmured, leading Louis up onto the deck and pushing open the backdoor. "You're about to meet some friends of mine..." 

"The friends that were calling for you that first night we met?"


Harry peeked inside to find that his friends were no longer on the couch and he tugged Louis through the door. Louis curiously looked around at the kitchen and pointed, "Boats?"

"Have you ever seen a boat?"

"No," Louis shook his head. "I've only heard about them, that they were dangerous."

"Well they can be, like the Titanic."

"Is that the huge boat that drove into a big ice cap?"

"Yeah...?" Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "How'd you know that?"

Merman In The Water - Larry Stylinson AU Merman!LouisWhere stories live. Discover now