The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 3

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When i woke up he was gone. i checked my clock and noticed it was almost eleven o clock. i walked down to my living room and got my back pack. i opened it and saw i had a couple text messages. two were from lexie, she wanted to know what i was planning for fridays party. i have a couple days to plan. i quickly replied that i would tell her at school. the next one was from brendon asking if i wanted to hang out. eh nope, i didntreply. then the last one was from... Demitri, when did he get my phone, or my number. wow. it said ' i didntwant to wake you so i let myself out. i put my number in so yea. ill see you at school tomorow.' i giggled. that was very cute i replied 'ok... Mr.Adams :)'.

i put my phone in my pocket and went upstairs to . i sat on my desk doing my homework when my phone buzzed. i saw it was a text from demitri. i laughed all it said was ' ok miss evers'. wow this was going to be weird. ive known demitri for about eleven years and now he's my teacher. not just that he's a hot teacher, every teenage girls fantasy. and he likes me. i guess it might work, i mean i am eighteen but i still have about four and a half months until i graduate. until then i have to stay away from demitri, teacher student relationships are forbidden. thinking about him got me thinking about his abnormal ways. how is it that he enters my dreams, and not just that i couldnt hear his heart beat no matter how hard i tried. oh well i can ask him tomorrow.

when i was done with my homework i fell asleep and for the first time in a long time i did not dream about Demitri.


it was tuesday, i was in my art class trying to put the finishing touches on my picture because i have start painting soon. when i was finished i stood up and look down at my picture, it didnt turn out the way i would of hopes but i tried. the hands and abs did look better though, thanks to demitri. i smiled at the thought of him, he was my first kiss, and my first love. ive never felt so close to anybody, demitri is very important to me in many ways .

the bell rang and i walked out of my class, slowly walking to my english class. i didnt want to be alone in the classroom with deimitri. i felt my face heat up just thinking about the the way he kissed me, or that someone like him would actually want a girl like me. but im happy he does, im not going to fight with it.

when i finaly got to class most girls were already there surrounding demitri asking him thousands of questions.  but the bell eventually rang and i sat at the end of the classroom like i usually do.

demitri stood at the fron of the class, "ok well due to certain.. circumstances i have made a seating chart. when you hear your name take a seat where i direct you to. and you will be sitting in a boy, girl pattern so please dont complain. ok first Vianna, you take the first seat."

i looked up and him and felt myself blush, "um ok" i got my books and went to sit at the from on the class trying very hard to avoid the death glares of all the others females in class. after all the seats were assigned a demitri began to pass out a book, we would be studying..... romeo and juliet. i looked up at him, he just smiled.

"ok class so the first book were going to study is Romeo and Juliet by william shakespeare. he is a very famous writer. but as you begin to read you will notice his style of writing is different than the english that is used today. ok well we dont have a lot of time today. tonight's homework will be to read chapter one, and to write a summary. take in mind you will write a short summary to every chapter. but the summary only has to be four sentences, more if needed but its not necessary."

i sighed, i dont think this homework will be hard.

my mind drifted off during class, i wanted to ask demitri about his heart beat, or my dreams. how is any of this even possible.i looked up at him, he was looking at me, i smiled. he winked. i felt my self blush, so i looked down to my book. i read the summary, it was a romance story. ive heard about this book, ive just never really read it.

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