The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 4

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it was now after school and i was standing outside of Mr. Adams classroom ready for my detention. i stood there contemplating my decision, i was going to ask him once and for all about my dream. i stood at the door holding the door knob when i heard voices from inside the classroom, i pressed my ear against the door. i couldn't hear clearly but what stood out to me what someone walking about a certain 'Human Girl'. human what did hell did he mean by human, i was confused. i opened the door and stepped in. Mr.Adams was sitting in his chair while someone was standing a couple of feet away. i looked at the man, he had long black hair shorter than shoulders length. way shorter than demitri's. he had bright blue eyes and he looked mad, wow i wouldn't mess with him..

i stepped forward and closed the door, "I'm sorry I'm late Mr.adams, but it looks like your busy. do i still have detention"

then the man i didn't know spoke up "thats her. thats the human girl. wow dem" i noticed the sarcasm in his voice. there he goes again with 'human girl'. 

i spoke up. "i guess i dont. i guess ill see you later"

that's when the guy grabbed me by the arm,"no your going to listen to this. sit down" i looked in his eyes, he didn't look like he was playing around so i listened to him.

demitri sighed. "josh, your scaring her. leave her alone she has nothing to do with this"

he looked at him with a mad expression "NO! dem she has to know, she needs to know. do you know how many want her dead. you cannot protect her alone. this is serious"

Dead! what. why would anyone want me dead. i haven't done anything wrong. ok this is seriously freaking me out, but i couldn't say anything. i just sat there quietly talking to myself. 

"wait.... " i finally spoke up "why would anyone want me dead. i haven't...... i havent done anything to anyone" i looked up at demitri. i felt like crying but bit my lip trying o stop the tears.

the man, josh Finlay spoke up "she doesn't know, how could you not tell her. sure put her life in danger but don't tell her." he slammed his fist onto demitri's desk. "DAMMIT!!! dem what were you thinking coming here!"

he looked up at him "i wanted to see her" he said with a serious voice

josh laughed "wow, you were willing to put her life in danger. our lives in danger just so that you could see her and play teacher. that's low. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! this is dangerous. you need to go home now!"

demitri sighed. "you know why i came. im not going yet. dad has some years left. I.Will.Not.Leave.Her!"

he stood up and walked to the window that was over looking the entrance of the school,

josh let out a harsh laugh. "fine stay. but your telling her"

demitri looked at him "no, shes not ready. and your not going to say anything either"

josh looked at me  "no your going to tell her, or i will"

i stood up "what the hell is going on. tell me or don't tell me but make up your fucking minds. your confusing me!"

i stared at josh, not wanted to show fear. but i knew that he knew i was scared.

he laughed "were vampires!. that's all their is to know!"

i sat back down. Vampires. their not real. mythical creatures. myths. they ant be real. i looked up at josh. out of his lips teeth were showing. they looked like fangs. what the hell is going on. i came in here for a simple detention and i get this. and argument and a horrible confession. today is not my Day. 

i looked up at josh, i tried to act as calm as i possibly could. i was scared out of my Witt's. "that explains a lot, i guess" i whispered. and it did. how else could a normal human being visit my dreams. but how is this possible. oh god. i just found out vampires exist. i looked at demitri but he was looking out the window again.i looked up at josh.

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