The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 15

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When i reach the building i gasp. the whole decor is beautiful. the garden has lights every were and you can still hear the music. i love it, but inside they have everything red and black. i have no idea what that has to do with a masquerade but i think they just wanted to color coordinate.

the inside has masks against the walls. the tables have black and red table clothes with a pretty flowers pots in the middle. the flowers are red and white roses and in the middle a mask is sticking out. the dj is set up in front of a huge dance floor, the tables are set up around it. there is glitter every were. everything looks shiny. 

in the entrace there is a hige flower arrangement. there was some kind of string falling from the ceiling, making look awesome when we walked in.

i walked to a table and sat down. it was 7:10. i wonder if demitri is here. he probably is but i cant see him. i look around the room. brandon is next to me.

"wow there are a lot of people here already" he says looking around

i smile, "yea!"

**** <3 ***

its about nine o clock, and everyone is dancing, i was dancing with brandon when lexie came up to me and handed me a paper. i look at her confused as she winks and starts talking to brandon, distracting him. i sigh, fine then.

"ill be back im going to go to the restroom"

"ok" is all brendon says as i walk away. i open the envelope. there a very pretty note inside that says.

'You look so beautiful. have you seen me yet. i told you it wouldnt be easy to find me. ' i sigh.

if i was demitri were would i be. standing with the teachers. i walk to were a lot of the teachers are standing, talking. next to them there is a flower arrangement, with red roses but a single black rose. i walk to it and pick it up, attached to it is another note. i smile, clever demitri.

i open it, "hurry up and find me. i cant wait until i can hold you in my arms.  nice flower right, were do you think the garden has flowers like that?"

i didnt get this note, but i walked out to the garden anyways, i walked for some time until i saw flowers behind the tree, there was another black rose right there with a note. 

'do you remember the day we met, we were surrounded by three and nature. we were so young and cute. do you remember telling me a story about a tree?"

i smiled and to a cherry blossom tree in the middle of the garden. i remember telling him about one day having a house and planting it in my back yard, and watching it grow. i walked to the tree and saw an envelope. i grumbled. "Ah! another note." blah. i opened it.

'look behind you'

i turned around and there was demitri with his hair tied back, and a grey and black mask. and his tux, wow he looks hot. i closed my eyes as he approached me,

"wow V you look beautiful." he closed the door and pickes me up in his arms, "i love you V. i cant wait. in one week you will be all mine, and no body els's."

i smiled, "i love you to demmy, and i cant wait either, i cant wait to share my life with you."

demitri puts his forehead on mine, "when i first saw you i couldnt breath, you look so beautiful in your prom dress. but i honestly cant wait to see you in a wedding dress."

i blush and look away, "i think we should have a double wedding"

demitri kisses me on the lips, "i would do anything for you. if you want to have a double wedding we will. but on our honey moon you are all mine."

i smiled, "i love you demmy. but are you going to kiss me any time soon"

he quickly kisses me on the lips, "there"

i smile, "ok" i wrap my arms around his neck and bring his lips down to me.when we stop he sets me down and i see something move out of the corner of my eyes. i look towards it and i see vanessa. she looks angry,

"i knew it, i told valery that you were still together. i knew it. just watch Vianna i will get revenge when you least expect it!!" and then she stormed off.

i turned towards demitri, "we should of been more careful" i look down and frown.

"lets not think about her V, i will always be here to protect you. ill never let her or anyone hurt you. your mine and no one can take you away."

i smile, "lets go dance". we walk to the building were the dance is being held. we walk in separately but we meet up, just then a slow song begins to play. 

demitri wraps his arms around my waist and we dance together. i look up at his eyes, the whole time we dance we stare into eachother's eyes. i love him to much that it hurts me. i dont know how anyone can live their lives without loving someone. i feel like demitri completes me, and i know i would die without him.

when the dance is over i hug him even harder and then step away from him, he smiles at me weakly and begins walking over to help the other teachers. i walked to lexie, josh, and brandon.

"you've been gone for a long time V"

i smile, brandon is so adorable. "sorry i couldnt find you guys.. so i gave up and sat down a while."

then lex interupts. "V prom is almost over, i want to dance with you just us two girls." 

we both look at our dates, they both nod, she squeals and runs with me to the dance floor.

"so how was it V?". lexie looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"its was perfect and romantic. But vanessa saw us. and she was mad, like really mad. but other than that we set the date to our weddings." i smiled

"our?" she says confused,

i nod, "yea were going to have a giant double wedding. its going to be great"

she smiled, "another bonding experience" she sings

"hell yea!" i yell. when the song is over she hugs me. and we walk over to our dates

**  <3  **

when the dance is over we rode the limo back to my house.  brandon walked me to my door, he huged me and walks to his car. i open my door and notice its unlocked, thats odd. i walk in, maybe my parents are here. i begin to walk to my room when i feel someone grab me from behind and pull me towards them. i struggle and try to get away, but the person is stronger than me.

the person puts a cloth on my mouth and after a couple seconds i feelt myself get dizzy. and i began to lose consciousness.


Dun DUn DUN!!! haha 

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