The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 6

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the next day things were normal. things were going great, and i no longer saw the mysterious man . that is until Friday. Friday, as in the day of my party, i didn't really want to hold it anymore knowing that demitricouldn't be there, but oh well. i still wasn't sure what was going on between us we loved each other but he never called me his girlfriend. i mean i think we're together. you know what, im not even sure, he's never said anything about it. 

anyways, i went to school Friday. everything seemed normal that is until i got to my second period. the bell had rung and we all sat down on our seats. the guy who normally sat down next to me was sick with the flu so he wasn't going to be at school for at least another week.

i looked up and saw a girl enter through the door, i stared at her in awe she was very pretty. she had long black wavy and shiny hair. she was normal height, and pale white skin, but she reminded me of a doll. one of those beautiful porcelain dolls. she had a black dress on and flats. she looked too dressed up for school, like she was trying to impress someone. 

Mr. Adams stood in the from of the class "um, well class is seems as though we have a new student in class. this is Vanessa. she is a new transfer student in this class. i would like you all to welcome her." he smiled but at the same time he seemed mad.

Vanessa spoke up next, she had a quiet voice but she spoke confidently. "where is my seat Mr. Adams" she said while stared right at me.

he narrowed his eyes at her "third row second seat"

she smile. "I'm sorry but i only like to sit in the front of the class. and i prefer the first seat"

Demitri tried to smile, but anyone could tell his smile was forced. "I'm sorry that seat is taken, but you can..." he stopped talking because she had already walked away from him and towards me. i gulped .

she stopped right in front of me. she had one hand on her hip and the other was at her side, she was staring at me with a very angry expression. what the hell did i ever do to this girl, i don't even know her


i looked at her "excuse me, but this is my seat. and I'm sorry to disappoint you but we have assigned seats. so go sit in the back."

she scowled at me "fine. Mr.Adams I'm going to sit at this available seat" she sat down next to me.

i scowled. oh great now i have to sit next to her, and she apparently hates me. why me.

i looked up at demitri who was staring at Vanessa with such hate.

"I'm sorry Vanessa but that seat is unavailable. you may sit in it fr now but when Mr. Daniels comes back you will have to give him his seat back. 

she ignored him. just then i heard vanessa talk to melanie. oh gosh

i was trying not to listen but it just couldn't be helped.

"hi im melanie."

Vanessa turned around. "hi I'm Vanessa"

Melanie smiled "the way to spoke to that girl was cool, i hate her too. I'm sure we can be friends"

Vanessa giggles "you too, well it seems like we have something in common. I'm sure we'll be great friends"

just them demitri scowled. "Vanessa can you please turn around in your seat and read your book. you have a lot of work to do. you have to read four chapters in the book. you must read those chapters and write summaries."

Vanessa scowled "yea sure, whatever"

demitri went to sit at his desk. i smiled and raised my hand. "yes miss Evers?"

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