The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 16

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when i regained consciousness i was no longer in my house. i was chained to a wall. there was a chain on of of my legs. only one, although i was too weak to break it, i would of expected something different i mean i was kidnapped.

anyways i focused my attention to the room. the room i was in was pretty small, but it looked like a dungeon of some sort. not that ove ever been in a dungeon but i have seen movies and this looks like it. cold stone wall, moldy. chains on the walls, and a cell door right in front of me. 

at the moment i was laying down on the cold, wet floor, i couldn't think of someone that would want to hold me hostage. that is until i heard voiced coming towards me. i closed my eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

"so what are we going to do with her Val?"

i sighed, Valery. Demitri's Ex-Fiance. she would want me dead, or in chains. but i couldnt understand why keep me in chains, killing me would give her pleasure and i would be out of the way. i wanted to know, i didnt want to die, but i had to know why. why keep me here, alone, and bored.

"i do not know yet. but i want her to suffer, just like i did" she sighed "just like i did when i lost demitri."

i kept my eyes closed but i heard them finaly stop, i then heard a door open. oh no.

i suddenly felt someone kick me on the stomach, i opened my eyes and held my stomach to my chest. groaning in pain.

"what the hell!"

Vanessa laughed, "you dont know how long ive waited to do that"

i smiled weakly, "if your happy, im happy" i dropped my hand and sat up looking at Valery and Vanessa.


Valery smiled, her evil little smile. Bitch!

"so um Vianna was it," i nodded, "well i told you to stay away from him. you didnt listen to my warning"

i smiled, weakly, "im sorry, he just couldnt keep his hands off me, and he's so hot. i couldnt control myself" i said leaning against the back of the wall,

valery walked into the room and leaned against a wall, "you know thats all he wants you for, sex. because thats all you are a cheep, slutty whore."

i sighed, "first of all, ive known him, and talked to him for eleven years why is it that he's only tried things now. second im his soul mate, mean anything to you? and lastly, how am i the whore, hes my boyfriend. as in i can have sex ith him if i want. unlike you a stupid obsessed ex girlfriend who doesnt want to accept rejection."

she scowled, "who the hell would ever choose you over me, you ugly!"

i continued to smile and lean my head against the wall, "yea, i might be ugly, but i have his love, something you never will."

i suddenly looked at her, "um, no to change the subject or anything but can i ask a question, .... er... two questions"

Valery smiled, leaning against her stupid wall "sure"

i leaned agaisnt the wall again not wanting to see her smile, "one, why am i alive. i mean its not to say i want to die, but wouldnt killing me be easier instead of this." i gestured to the room. "an second, i have to go pee, how and were do i go"

i heard her feet shuffling, then she answered. "if you die so will Demitri. when a vampires soul mate is alive and a vampire no longer acknowledges their existence they both move on with their lives. so all i have to do is keep you here until he forgets about you. and when he's depressed ill be there to comfort him. and to the second question guards will be here and take you to the restroom. they will also bring you food, three meals a day."

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