The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 11

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A month Later

for a month, A. Whole. Month. i had to pretend me and demitri were no longer together. Lexie knew it wasnt true, but she didnt show any emotion. she pretended it was true when ever Vanessa was around. And since she knew demitri and i were no longer together she always had a smug expression on her face whenever she was around me. i hated it. she made me want to go beat the crap out of her, i now knoe vampires have extra strength but after not using it for a long time many vampire begin to lose it. Valery was more than three hundred years old and she never does any of her own dirty work, i know shes probably very weak.

i smiled it was Wednesday and it had been a month since Lexie and Josh began Dating. Demitri and i were as happy as ever, and i didn't have any threats.

I was standing by my locker picking up my things for my afternoon classes when Lexie Came up to me.

i smiled, "nice of you to visit me after a month of completely ditching me for your boyfriend" i said sarcastically

she smiled at me "be happy for me, im as happy as your are with demitri. but i came because Josh said he wanted to talk to me tonight. were going to demitri's house. he said you should come too"

i gulped, there is only one reason he would want me there. he's going to tell her. he should at least keep his secrete for a little while longer though, finding out your boyfriend is three hundred years old can be quiet a shock.

i smiled trying to hide my feelings, "ok. hey lets go the the library and hang out."

there was only one period before the school day was over, i want to hang out with her. i hope she stays with Josh, They're always so happy when they're together.

she looks at me suspiciously, "sure" 

i smile and grab her arm, "ok, lets go"


after school Lexie and i went to the front gate to wait for josh to pick us up, i couldn't risk being seen with demitri.

we saw his car and i smiled, i looked over at Lexie she was extremely happy. i suddenly got very scared, not everyone can accept that someone they love is a blood sucking monster. well thats the way in which they are portrayed. i get their are both good and bad vampires but this is not easy news to take in.

josh came running up to us and hugged Lexie, and he kissed her. i looked away trying to give them privacy, that is until i felt josh wrap his arms around me,.

"hey V"

i smiled, "nice of you to remember me Josh"

he smirked "i could never forget you, your like a sister to me"

i giggled, "yes and when you and Lexie get married i really will be a sister to you. lexie's my sister"

he smiled, "then were practically already family"

i giggled and he put me down.

"ok then lets go."  Lexie and i both follow him to his car.

while driving there, Lexi and josh were talking, i stayed quiet thinking about what i thought her response would be. i wasn't really sure, and i was scared.

when we got to his apartment demitri was already there, i ran to him and jumped up to hug him, he caught me in the air and let me rest my head on his shoulder, i whispered "im scared"

he held me tightly "its going to be Ok"

i sighed "i hope so"

i got off of him and looked at Lexie and Josh who were standing awkwardly by the door. i smiled 

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