The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 26

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After my talk with demitri i start walking to my room. the wedding begins in two hours, i cannot put off my pampering anymore. i need to get ready for the wedding.

i turn a corner, almost at my room when i look up to a scowling Violet.

"watch were the fu.... oh Princess Vianna. how are you today?" she asks, putting as much venom into her word as possible.

i smile sweatly, "im fine, seeing as how this is my wedding day. and knowing i am marrying the best guy in the world. demitri" i say walking past her and again walking towards my room.

but she steps in front of me. "oh really?" she asks scowling again, "we'll see about that"

i smile, "ok" then with my vampire speed i walk into my room, were maids are walking around the room like crazy people. 

"princess we've been waiting for hours. we need to get you ready." one maid says, frantically walking towards me.


a couple hours later im standing behind some giant doors. dressed in a white poofy dress. make up already done. and a bouquet of lfowers in my hand. purple lillies. besides me is Lexie.

"so how do you feel" she asks me looking down at her bouquet of red roses. 

i smile, "i feel perfectly fine. how about you?" i ask trying to make her cheer up.

"im nervous. were really getting married..." she trails off

i walk next to her. grab ahold of one of her hands, "lex. we are doing this together. there is nothing to be worried about. we know they are our soul mates, its not like anything bad can happen."

she looks up at me skeptically. "but i have a bad feeling in my stomach. im not sure why, but i do."

i sigh, "why arent you nervous" she asks, playing with her flowers again.

i begin giggling, "come one Lex. your nervous for both of us. i feel fine." i say smiling, thinking about what lays ahead of me.

she smiles, "ok. im ready"

just then music begins to play. that music that is played at all weddings, slowly lexie and i make our way towards our soon to be husbands. i look up at demitri's glowing face. i smile. he looks really handsome in a tuxedo. with a black bow tie. i had convinced him to wear.

then at that exact everythign turns black. im dropped to the ground, somone sinking their fangs into me, drinking my blood.

the last thing i hear is lexie's scream. right before everythign goes black. then i cant hear anything, nothing.

total emptyness, and blackness.


i know, i know. im sorry. two short chapters. but like i said i dont have much time to write. that and i wanted to stop here. muahaha ok thanks for reading.

love you people <3

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