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It feels like I'm sitting on the couch on the far side of the room watching the man I was hired to kill offer me a job. I heard a ringing in my ear but it was dull in this body but I could still feel it in my original body. Looking around the room from this angle I gained a new short perspective on the situation. Could I really play the double agent?

All possibilities started to run through my mind, of betrayal death and the secrecy that will ensue. This wasn't what I signed up for in the beginning.  I was recently in the last few years absorbing the fact that this lie might just be the new me, that I would be able to get out of it. I've lived this lie for over five years now, my life surrounds this elaborate lie. What will I do after its over? Will I even kill the target?

After minutes of just experiencing this out of body struggle my haze is over and I was once again staring into the cold eyes of Paul.  He sat behind his desk back straight hands folded on his desk with an impatient look waiting for my response to his suggestion.  Opening my mouth I tried to come up with an answer but nothing came out, every time I tried, pictures of Robert's angry face kept popping up in my mind. Putting my head down to think this whole thing through before I made the worse decision of my life. As I kept quiet and stopped listening to everything else around me I didn't realize when Paul got up from his desk and moved to the seat next to me, he was way to close for comfort. I might be in a distraught case but my heightened senses from all of the training kept my mind sharp enough to still recognize danger. Paul sitting this close to me in a room only the two of us occupy is a recipe for danger.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw Paul extend his hand out with a small knife, my body immediately froze every cell in awareness.  I didn't try to make a move because I had to gauge where he wanted to take this conversation. Watching carefully for any quick movements from him, I watched him cut through the rope that bound my hands and throw it into the garbage can next to his seat. He restored the knife back in his pocket while I regained mobility of my hands. Deciding to take the lead on this conversation I sat up straight and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I don't want to work for your organization. "

His eyes flashed like I said something humorous,  shaking his head he said "honey you don't have a choice."

"Yes I do I choose to not get blackmailed to join an organization that will ultimately lead to my death. You might have all the power here but you can't control me."

"But you don't understand dear, I control everything," he said smugly while he scooted to the edge of his seat and moved his face right next to mine. Our faces were a hair's width apart and i could feel his breathe blowing on the side of my face.





THIS LIFE #wattys2015 #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now